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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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Originally posted by Cyclone

...By the way, i'm not disagreeing that a more fine grained breakdown is useful, just your argument that working class means anyone who works, or your other argument that working class no longer exists.

It wasn't my argument if you remember, I was just putting it forward for discussion, some people agreed with the point (loosely), others disagreed (some vehemently).


It is quite clear that there is no "general" consensus on the subject, so one point of view is no less valid than any other.


For myself, I am not uncomfortable with being considered "working" class, for that is what I am, a working person...


...clearly others have differing views.


It's the reasons for those views, rather than the opinions themselves that I find interesting.



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Originally posted by Cyclone

We are all argumentative, I just have more time to post than some. It won't last forever, i'm bound to find something to do at work sooner or later.


What do you do for a living BTW ?

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Originally posted by nick2

What do you do for a living BTW ?


software development. We're in test support and the testers aren't finding much wrong, so I have nothing to fix.

And even when I am busy there are times when the desktop is starting the server or doing clearcase searches or other such fun stuff, whilst it does that I use the laptop for posting.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

software development. We're in test support and the testers aren't finding much wrong, so I have nothing to fix.

And even when I am busy there are times when the desktop is starting the server or doing clearcase searches or other such fun stuff, whilst it does that I use the laptop for posting.


I'm "in I.T." too, it does give you plents of spare time at work when it takes 20 minutes to compile a program.

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Originally posted by t020

- most people still refer to, and are familiar with, the traditional working, middle and upper classes.


If they do, then what they are referring to does not exist anymore.


Back when you could tell the measure of a man by the hat he wore, maybe- but today? No.


What always amazes me is the pull of these terms - people and groups seeking to have their definition entered into the public canon



Very Totemic. And I do think that is down to Marx.

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what did you do Phan?


Couldn't it be argued that since class is an artificial distinction that by refering to it that very reference means that it does exist.

Just so long as they are all agreed about the terms of reference and what exactly it is they mean by it.

Your argument seems to me to be analogous to me claiming that the word "chav" doesn't exist because I can't find it in my OE dictionary. The dictionary only represents the truth, it doesn't create it.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

...Just so long as they are all agreed about the terms of reference and what exactly it is they mean by it...

Isn't that a crucial point here, in no way have we (or it seems anyone) reached an agreed term of reference, let alone exactly what is meant by any of the terms.



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Originally posted by foo_fighter

Isn't that a crucial point here, in no way have we (or it seems anyone) reached an agreed term of reference, let alone exactly what is meant by any of the terms.




some of us have. not everyone has to agree on it, just the people who use it to discuss something.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

some of us have. not everyone has to agree on it, just the people who use it to discuss something.

Yes, and some people have agreed with the theory I presented earlier, so that stands equally wouldn't you say?


So we now have (at least) two valid versions of the same theory...


...can't understand why anybody thinks there's a problem.



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