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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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Originally posted by Greenback



If you mean knowing which wine glass to use for a glass of chardonnay, perhaps. But if you're talking ordinary, decent human kindness (which is what I take "manners" to mean), then you'll find that there is no division across social strata.


Many an ignorant upper-class twit I have had the misfortune to meet.


More like things such as remembering Ps & Qs, not spitting in the street, and yes table manners too. This is from my own personal experience, of course.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

I think there has been a push in recent years by a certain political party to demolish the class system in this country. A prime example is that of fox-hunting. Perceived by Labour to be a sport for the upper classes


Ah, so that explains why Anne Widdicombe, Conservative MP, voted in favour of the abolition of hunting with dogs. Glad you cleared that up for me JonJParr.

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Originally posted by t020

More like things such as remembering Ps & Qs, not spitting in the street, and yes table manners too. This is from my own personal experience, of course.


Ah, see now you're talking about the things that really matter.


I mean, how can you possibly expect to be respected as an equal member of society when you don't even know the difference between table water and tap water? And everyone knows that the well-to-do don't expectorate at all, even when out on the streets of Mayfair they find they have the most frightful greenie atop their tongue. As for addressing one's peers with the requisite "good day, sir" - those lower types, they don't even know where to begin!


But seriously, you are turning into a self-parody...

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Originally posted by t020

True, and it's *generally* those from wealthier backgrounds who have better manners.


Hmmm *generally* money = manners??????????


sooooooo........Footballers don't spit?


MP's don't fight?


Royals don't get drunk and take drugs?


shall I go on?


Your point has massive flaws.

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Originally posted by t020

...1) I know it was, but you seem to have adopted it as your own definition too, and you're the one championing its cause on here, not your father...

No, I'm attempting to debate around the issue, a fact that seems to have passed you bye completely.


Originally posted by t020

...2) So where would benefit recipients figure in your (father's) simplistic and pointless class model?...

Go on, think about it, "working" people could be made unemployed, others could become bankrupt, and therefore de-facto unemployed, so the "benefit recipients" could be from any background. What, is that a problem, can't you look down on them as comfortably now?


Originally posted by t020

...3) It's flawed - what purpose does it possibly serve to put 99+% of people into one classification? It defeats the object of making the classification to begin with. It also lumps together groups of people who are poles apart, as my previous examples have suggested...

Whereas putting 100% of the population into 3 groupings does to you? It seems quite “pointless” to quite a few people who have expressed views on this forum, virtually all industries (advertising etc.), and a number of learned texts it seems also.



I think we've established what was being debated, the 3 "class" system is pretty much dead and buried, in all real terms.



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Originally posted by timo

Cyclone is Prince Harry! I knew Cyclone was a rugged, manly type [Judo, Marine Reserves and all that], not some foppish theatrical type like his brother, Edward. No wonder the bugger is never off Sheffield Forum- he has all the time in the world as a Royal. His Royal Highness, Prince Cyclone...LOL!


oh no, my cover has been blown.


clearly income alone doesn't dictate class, which both myself and T020 have already said. So a footballer whilst having a large income won't generally have parents with a large income a high level of personal education, and probably is lacking in the cultural capitalism that timo and phan were talking about earlier.


Manners doesn't equate to kindness, and neither is good manners the sole reserve of the upper class. Everyone not belonging to the house of Windsor (like my goodself now that you've blown my cover) is not bereft of manners and politeness. And of course there are examples of people with no manners throughout every strata of society.


Here's one we haven't discussed, how does regional accent relate to class?

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Originally posted by Greenback

But seriously, you are turning into a self-parody...


Like some Viz character called "Ten-bob millionaire" or something, who secretly works in a scrap yard or sewage works but at home dresses for dinner, decants his Lambrini and is learning to play the harpsicord.

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Originally posted by nick2

Like some Viz character called "Ten-bob millionaire" or something, who secretly works in a scrap yard or sewage works but at home dresses for dinner, decants his Lambrini and is learning to play the harpsichord.

Isn't it interesting how it's always the "nouveau-rich" (or wannabes) who keep banging on about money and "class"...


...people with real class just get on with their lives (in my own personal experience, of course).



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Originally posted by foo_fighter

Isn't it interesting how it's always the "nouveau-rich" (or wannabes) who keep banging on about money and "class"...


...people with real class just get on with their lives (in my own personal experience, of course).




and mine too.

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