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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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Dont you think the 'class system' is out dated? ...


back in the days of marx, there was a distinct difference (ie ... mill owners and mill workers) ... now the defining lines are very hazzy. Bank managers were deffinatly middle class and manual (blue collar workers) working class, however, now a blue collar worker (plumber, electrician/builder ect) earns more than the bank manager ... so what do you gage class on occupation or finance?

I was born and raised in a council house but now live in a privatly owned house in a very conservative area ... does that mean i am now middle class? But i spend my money in the pub .... thats working class.

3 years ago i had hardly any qualifications (working class) ... now im at university (middle class)... have i moved up the class system because of that?


I live in a nice home, drive a nice car and my husband earns a good wage but my values and belief systems come from a working class background, therefore i regard myself as working class and proud.

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I don't think there is a clear distinction between the classes anymore. Unless you take someone who works as a ...cleaner (no offence) and some hot shot lawer how are you supposed to define yourself as belonging to a certain class? Is it all about money? Or does appearence and speech part of it? Is it where you live? You can get a council house in many of the 'nice' areas, does this mean these people are middle or high class even though they live in a council property?

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i personally cosider myself working class.but will treat and talk to anyone and everyone with the same ammount of respect regardless of class and status etc aslong as they show me the same respect.

basically never judge a book by its cover.

unfortunately society tends to judge people on how they look and dress.

for an experiment i went to a major car dealer in my work clothes looking at expensive cars.guess what not 1 sales person approached me or asked if they could help,i obviously didnt look as tho i could afford the cars.

went bk 2 weeks later with my posh suit on and a shave,and yes they couldnt do enougth for me,i could test drive any car i wanted no questions asked.

this is the sad world we live in.

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It doesnt matter what class you see yourself as, that is just flattery to keep you going.


There are two classes only, Working class, and Ruling class.

Among the working class there are self imposed sub-divisions. It is these internal sub-divisions, and sqabbles amonst us, that serve to keep us forever in our position of supporting the ruling powers.


Be you from the lowest sink estate, or the leafy suburbs, in a million pound house, if you are not landed nobility you are a worker.

Any rights you have are only ones they allow you and they can be taken away at the drop of a hat.


Our current idyllic conditions have been fought for centuries, and they are just aching to take them away.

Every penny that you have is one less that they have, and they do not like the situation one iota.

Drop our guard for one minute and they will have us back to the fuedal system within the twinkling of an eye.


As Wat Tylers people were told 'Serfs you are and Serfs you remain'


Pretty much sums up my opinion of classes in society too. It will forever be 'us' and 'them' and all the nuances of class are artificially created to keep 'us' bickering among ourselves.

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  • 2 months later...

How do you define class? Do you have to be "High born" to have it? Can people from council housing estates have an innate sense of class? Does it have to be learned or instilled in someone?

I know several people who have never even been close to a council estate who have no class at all, and I know people form these estates who are dripping with class. Of course, I also know people from both sides of the fence who fit the sterotype perfectly, from nasty little chavs on council estates to people in huge houses who act as if they have a pound of plums rammed into each cheek.

Does accent count...?


So, what defines class for you? Is there a medium, a level of class that is acceptable without appearing to lean too far to one way or the other? Do you consider yourself to have class?


Personally, Im OOZING with class even though I`m council house scum who managed to get away from the estates, but even when I lived on The Cross, I was classy enough to gob into the gutter instead of onto the footpath and I always said "Good `un" after I broke wind in public.

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