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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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Personally I think that "class" is something you are largely born into, but dignity is something which any member of any class can have (or choose not to have through bad manners and apalling behaviour).



Dignity associated with class, I never thought of it that way.


On reflection, I suppose Im saying the word "Class" but I actually mean dignity.

Good point.

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i think that yes you are generally born into class, but i do agree, that even if you were born on a council estate (like i was) you can choose to have manners/etiquette and common decency.

I don't believe that money gives you class though, just education and upbringing.

I actually belive that i am the worst kind of snob, one who doesn't necessarily want to be a snob, but i do have ideals and as much as i am ashamed of it, i do sometimes look down my nose at people. Not necessarily poorer people, but those who are just ignorant and have no dignity and think that the world owes them a living and they can get what they want by having a big gob.

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Personally I think that "class" is something you are largely born into, but dignity is something which any member of any class can have (or choose not to have through bad manners and apalling behaviour).



Very eloquently put i think that about covers it :D

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From a sociological standpoint class is broadly defined by occupation, income and lifestyle factors.


ie: aristocracy, professional class, middle classes (lower, middle and higher), working class, (skilled and unskilled manual worker), and the underclass .. people living on very low incomes.


A persons so called class is largely a result of an accident of birth, family background, environment, housing schooling - the so called whole socialization process.

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Don't forget the upper classes can display instances of appalling behaviour, its not just a working class, council estate phenomenon.


Think of, our Honourable friends in the Commons, high jinks from students, and the Hooray Henry brigade. Unlike our hoodies, their behaviour does not usually attract criminal sanctions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's pretty straight forward...there are too many variables to possibly lump people into a "class" system. Increase that to the modern day 8 categories and you're still having a laugh.


As all the threads show - there are too many "exceptions" to the rule.


Why try? What does it achieve? What matters, is that you're alive - health isn’t a bad thing either. To be blunt, anyone who bothers about class isn't worth bothering about. Look beyond the artificial/superficial - look at the HUMAN BEING. Are they decent, nice etc - that's the winning combination in my book.


That said, this has been a great thread to read! What people say and think about class can be quite insightful. But I wouldn't spend too long on it - time to get back to reality now and make more use of the remaining 50 or so yrs I have left.

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