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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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Class does still exist... For instance people from S11 (Ecclesall) or other "posh" areas such as Dore or Totley look down their noses at people from S6 for instance.


But, IMO that's not about class distinction, it's just plain flat out SNOBBERY.


Do you have any factual evidence for this Rich? Are your sweeping and rather damning statements based upon anything other than hearsay, envy or stereotyping at its worst? Or do all of your comments stem from nothing other than your self perpetuating and seemingly unending state of victim-hood?

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Do you have any factual evidence for this Rich? Are your sweeping and rather damning statements based upon anything other than hearsay, envy or stereotyping at its worst? Or do all of your comments stem from nothing other than your self perpetuating and seemingly unending state of victim-hood?


Do YOU have nothing better to do than troll or generally be as annoying as possible? :rant:

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I once read somewhere that class is not based on income, or job, but on history. so if your dad is working class, so are you and that women's class is the same as their dads until they get married then its the same as their husbands


Money doesn't make class, just look at all those 'millionaires' created by the lottery, many as classy as my ass!


I couldn't disagree more, well, maybe I could. It's not just about money, winning the lottery doesn't make you any specific class, but children are not automatically off the same class as their parents or father.

Artisans rather bleak assessment makes no provision for mobility between his supposed ruling and non ruling classes, nor does it take into account that 'ruling' is a pretty vague notion these days. The political class 'rule', but we most definitely do have rights and they cannot be taken away at the word of the ruling class as Artisan suggested. I think the world is a far more complex place than Artisan can see.

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Class does still exist... For instance people from S11 (Ecclesall) or other "posh" areas such as Dore or Totley look down their noses at people from S6 for instance.


But, IMO that's not about class distinction, it's just plain flat out SNOBBERY.


Class by postcode, no I think that's far too simple and probably just an externalisation of S11 envy.

I expect that there are working class people in S11, there are probably small areas of deprivation and people of all colours and creed. Most areas are far from homogeneous.


If you didn't think it was about class anyway Rich, why bother to post it in this thread?

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Apart from in the great depression many "Working Class" steel workers over the years have been on very good wages comparable to that of so called professionals, so could afford similar lifestyles.


If you saw such people in their liesure time, apart from the "professional" might have a posh voice, I doubt you'd guess the difference in class? Ok, maybe the flat cap would be a dead give away.

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Apart from in the great depression many "Working Class" steel workers over the years have been on very good wages comparable to that of so called professionals, so could afford similar lifestyles.


If you saw such people in their liesure time, apart from the "professional" might have a posh voice, I doubt you'd guess the difference in class? Ok, maybe the flat cap would be a dead give away.


Professionals still work, they are therefore wage slaves under the Capitalist system and working class from a marxist perspective.


The other class the ruling class is defined by its freedom from wage slavery by being able to live on its accumulated wealth.


If you want to go looking for the ruling class try looking for them in the yachts in the tax havens around our shores and places like Belize. Avoiding contributing to society through tax and just feeding off the fruits of our labour like parasites.

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It's not so much a classless society but rather the rich and poor have become largely indistinguishable due to easy credit, debt isn't real wealth though.


I would define class as the standard of living.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

I guess you and your children get lumped in with your husband based on what he does.


Well, he is a builder so based on job working class, but based on earnings I suppose middle class.


Gutted though that yet again mums/housewifes are not considered to be anything because we don't actually earn a wage. :(

But without you the whole thing falls apart!

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