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Shiny sheff name change


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Originally posted by goldenfleece

. The pub is still a dump despite efforts to brighten it up


No, you're wrong. The place isn't still a dump, it's been cleaned up, improved and transformed into a welcoming place. It's busier now on an evening than it's been in probably the last ten years.


The hanging baskets look nice, there'll be a new terrace (decking) for next summer and inside it's comfortable and arguably the cleanest pub in Hallam.


Karaoke remains popular on Thursday nights, the beer is looked after and it's getting popular again.


The car-park is no longer overgrown, the carpets no longer thread-bare, the beer mats on the bar don't stick to the bar and you no longer need to wipe your feet on the way out!


My only regret is that changing the name was a step too far. The Landlord John said he did it as a way of announcing a new start. I agree he's made many improvements to the pub, but I draw the line at the name change.


We all still call it the Shiny Sheff anyway.

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Originally posted by Ousetunes

The hanging baskets look nice, there'll be a new terrace (decking) for next summer and inside it's comfortable and arguably the cleanest pub in Hallam.

I agree with this point, i have been three or four times this summer compared with just once in the last 6 years and things seem to be on the up. The deck is long overdue as it seems like you are sat in a carpark when sat outside. The three merry lads is very hit and miss, the sportsman is ok in an old fashioned pub sort of way. It amazes me that nobody has tapped into an obvious market for a quality family orientated eating pub in what is an obviously affluent area.
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Herbert - I agree with your post.


Sportsman - excellent home cooked food, some wonderful beers and a nice friendly feel to the pub. Despite new furnishings (and a new carpet on its way?) the pub could still do with a lick of paint and I just wish they could open the windows as, particularly when food is served, the place gets so hot it's uncomfortable.


You hit the nail on the head regarding the Three Merry Lads: Very hit and miss. Usually spot-on until you take a friend along and the food turns out to be poor. It depends very much on which chef is in the kitchen (and IMO things seem to quickly go belly-up once gaffer John is away from the place).


As for the Sheffield, (another landlord called) John is obviously aware of the affluence of the region. His Stella is £2.70, crisps and snacks 55p. Only yesterday I bought:


1 x Carlsberg

1 x 1/2 of Stella

2 x J2O

4 x snacks such as Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries.


This little lot totalled something in the region of £9.65.


Still, I like the place and am very happy with the variety of pubs in the Hallam region.

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3 Merry Lads is VERY variable I agree with what you said...its overpriced and the Sunday lunch isnt a patch on The Sportsman,


also theres a weird roll up smoking woman in there whos very aloof and self absorbed who I find off putting,


last time I went in there they had some vile music ( the Wurzels)blasting out so LOUD we couldnt even talk to each other and swore we wouldnt be going back.



I agree Sheff is expensive food isnt bad though and Landlord IS trying hard it seems...I dont agree with the name change...I hate it when pubs do that its so....presumptious...as if customers arent allowed to rely on a pub name...personally I think pubs should be forbidden from changing their names...they should keep what they were born with LOL!!



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