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'Debarking' dogs - how do you feel about it?

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i went to visit family in southern Italy and stayed at their beach house which just so happened to be near a dogs kennel. they barked and howled day and night. i wasn't that bothered as i can sleep anywhere but my mum couldn't sleep at all. we asked if anything could be done but my brother-in-law informed us that it was owned by the local mafia so it was best not to interfere.


i really don't think it would be fair to cut the vocal cords, seems a bit too cruel and i don't even really like animals (except horses) but anyone finding a way to keep them quiet at night could be on to a winner !

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I don't agree with it at all, especially when there are other methods.


HAVING SAID THAT, some dogs are given up on by people and are put down because they're a 'nuisance'.

Surely, this is better than just killing the poor blighters?


I still don't think it's right though, but I think it's the lesser of the two evils.

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A dog that barks just hasn't been properly trained. A simple clip on the nose each time it barks will soon stop it. Maybe the owner should have their vocal chords chopped out instead (as well as a vasectomy).

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Originally posted by Lotti

HAVING SAID THAT, some dogs are given up on by people and are put down because they're a 'nuisance'.


Surely, this is better than just killing the poor blighters?


Having the dog put down stops it from being a nuisance..


Silencing the dog will just get rid of the yapping/barking, the dog may still be a nuisance after that and would you like to be quiet for the rest of your life ? I know I wouldn't, how would I annoy everyone at forum meets :D


I agree with neither of the above.. If you think your responsible enough to have a dog, accept what a dog brings with it :D


That may sound like a dig but it isn't, honest :)

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I know someone who has a Collie of the Blue Murl? variety. This dog and all it's siblings that we know of, bark all the time. They are seriously disturbed dogs, and I wouldn't have one at all. If I were the neighbours of the family with this dog I would insist that these dogs were either debarked or put to sleep.


I really don't think that there is a lot that could be done about the dog's behaviour as far as training or discipline. I just think that they are like that. Apparently their vet said that they were impossible dogs too.


The bark of this particular dog is a particularly piercing and painful variety of noise, to most humans.

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I can honestly say I'm NOT a dog lover, in fact since living next door to a man who owns 2 dogs, that are kept outside, I hate ALL dogs. My wife listens to them bark during the day, I listen to them bark on an evening - if I open my conservatory doors into the garden, it sets them off, if I cough in my garden, it sets them off.


I would happily encourage the removal of a dogs vocal cords - in fact I'd like to do it myself, with a very blunt pair of dessert spoons!


I now have a 1000w flood light positioned right at their pen and the sensor in the same direction - when they come out at night - they're blinded with 1000w of light. - so far its working - they don't like the light.

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That's a cruel thing to do to a dog, no matter how much he barks. The proper solution is to retrain the dog or else rehome him. But there are people who encourage their dogs to bark, which is just as cruel as that could easily lead neighbours to do nasty things to the animal. I've heard of other such quick fix solutions to animal behaviour, such as declawing cats, and there's no need for this either (to stop them ripping up the furniture you only need to squirt water at them and they will soon associate ripping things up with getting wet ears). A dog's bark is part of his defences, just as a cat's claws are, and to take that away is downright mean.


A dog that just barks and barks has to be one of the most irritating things ever though. I recommend ear plugs for sleeping in for those who have one of the beasts nearby.

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I don't understand why dogs should be debarked - it is cruel!:loopy:


The owners should be ordered to take their dog to training - it may teach them to be a bit more responsible as well.


I am NOT a dog lover - can't stand that wet dog smell! - makes me want to heave:gag: but I definitely wouldn't want them debarked.

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