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Google street view of Sheffield

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Funny, isn't it? You can't take photos at Canary Wharf (among other places) because of the "security risk" ie; terrorism, but anyone can go on google and get a fine view! Presumably terrorists don't have the internet!



Is that why you never ever see pictures of Canary Wharf?

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I've walked all round canary wharf taking photo's, and not ad any problems...












I've never had a problem taking photos around here!


Why do people have a problem with their front doors being on the internet, anybody can look at them any time anyway? Try your own address in the Live View application, you can see a lot.

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oooh you live near my mums house on The Lawns just up road from you and a friend use to live on your road too, I know the area well as I was braught up there.



Us too - grrr, hoping not to get photoed.... although the google earth pictures of here are great - you can even see our car in our drive.

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