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Does anyone remember "Ma" Butler and her good grub?

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Hmmm.....At first I thought "Nope - can't remember that" but you've got me thinking. It somehow rings a bell (but I'm getting old....:(). One thing's for sure - nobody went hungry while ever there was a Butler's pie within reach..:)


ahahah soon as you walked through door it was facin you biggest daftist grin uve ever seen . dont no how true this is but was told they used to give bread n soup out to theless fortunate years ago

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We went nearly every day inthe 70s-80s the windows were always running with condensation and that cow pie uuuuuum! I think I saw desperate Dan in there once collecting his special when Steve forgot to send it.Butlers kept a lot of the old poor pensioners alive in the bad old days,what a shame its gone,we used to see Jimmy White and his gang in there demolition, not snooker:P:P:P


Yes, and the paint on the ceiling was flaking and dangling over the grub which was, as already been said, magnificent. In the sixties when working in that area we would use Butlers or take our fish & chips into the Red Deer.

I seem to recall reading that Picasso ate there once in the fifties.

Edited by Jim Hardie
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Their meat & potato pie (done in a large cooking tray) was to die for !! :)


Me and my mate Tosh Wild used to go in Butlers when we were working in town. Tosh used to laugh is head of at the women on the right as you walked in, she used to lick her thumb and say how many yorkshires lads.


Best cafe ever.

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Are there any 'caffs' of that nature around in Sheffield or local these days? I never went, but after reading all the posts, wish I had!!!


The nearest you can get nowdays are in the Castle Market, there is one at the far end of the fish section that still does the old fashioned grub with real gravy.

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I worked on Solly st in the 70s & 80s, me and 4 workmates would go to Butler's most mornings for a full breakfast. The service was always quick and friendly, the staff were a great bunch of people and if Steve wasn't busy in the kitchen he would come round and chat to the customers. I remember he was a keen scuba diver and would tell us stories of his holidays in the Med.

Another good caf in the area was Joe's on Portobella st ( I think ) on the other side of the church and Jessops Hospital, again good food and lots of it, it would be hard to find places like these today.

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  • 1 month later...

I remember well attending the Central Technical School and at lunchtimes we would occasionally buy a small loaf each from the baker at the bottom of West street and then proceed to eat the middle out of the loaf whilst walking to Brook Hill. At Butlers Cafe we would buy a bag of chips put them inside the loaf and then eat a giant chip butty on the way back to school. Memories!

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  • 3 years later...
I had almost forgotten good old Ma Butler and the cheap, wholesome food she sold at her café on Brook Hill near the University. And then I saw this postcard being offered on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/POSTCARD-SHEFFIELD-BROOK-HILL-BUTLERS-DINING-ROOMS-PABLO-PICASSO-VISITED-/121558979101?pt=UK_Collectables_Postcards_MJ&hash=item1c4d7ad21d. You could get a darn good meal for a couple of bob in the late 1960s. Her speciality was a "Cow Pie" (like Desperate Dan's but without the horns) which of course was accompanied by lashings of Hendersons. My goodness - I can smell the delicious aroma as I type this...[/color]


Good picture, and if any uninitiated think it looks small. the premises to the left was Butler's and they had a back room too. If I'm not mistaken wasn't there a framed photograph in there from the 1966 F.A.Cup final of Don Megson shaking hands with the referee Jack Taylor?

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