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Boycott Walkabout.


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You should never find yourself having to fork out for soap or dryers when using pub toilets. If these items are not freely available then contact Environmental Health (and after a spell of tummy trouble, a good claims lawyer!)


I have never worked in a bar with attendants in the loos but I understand that they are usually considered as security in bars that have experienced endless vandalism. They tend to have 'props' such as aftershave but they are there to maintain control over these rooms that are closed from view during trading times.


Before you launch a full 'boycott' of Walkabout, perhaps you should consider that they are doing this as a 'last resort' measure against vandals, drug takers, and violent individuals?

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Is vandalism of toilets really so widespread that virtually every bar in Sheffield needs the "freshen up" guys to keep things in order?


It has the unpleasant stench of legalised begging to me, and it's not something I'm comfortable being confronted with on a night out.

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I'm not very keen on attendants, but having seen vandalised toilets in pretty much every town-centre pub/club I've ever been in then I'm sure it's a good idea - and they're not there to clean up after the vandalism, they're there to put people off doing it in the first place (and also drug taking and anything else other than take a leak).


I have been to a couple of very posh restaurants in London where having a toilet attendant actually makes you feel quite special.


And in Germany, every toilet has an attendant and, from what I can gather, you're expected to tip. Somebody told me that this is "to pay for the upkeep of the toilet", but when you go into a shop and are expected to pay for the upkeep of that shop's toilet, and yet somehow they manage to pay for the upkeep of the rest of the shop without resorting to begging, it does stink a bit.


(They do have very nice toilets in Germany though)

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I don't know about other places, but in Corp they have attendants but the toilets they're in are still the most disgusting I've ever seen. And why would we pay for attendants when we've already paid to get into a club? :confused:

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I understood that the bloke in Banus (formerly Josephines) actually pays a rent to the club (£1000 per year) to stand in the bogs flogging his aftershaves, presumably the other clubs and bars are renting out their toilet spaces too...... :gag:


What I find revolting, as well as blokes permanently residing in the bogs is that just think of all the urine that's air borne that they will have inhaled over the course of an evening from residing in the bogs.....ugghhhh :gag:

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I was in Brussels with work earlier this year. We went to a bar in the grand plas, where they had a little old lady sat on a stool outside the doors to the ladies and gents toilets.

I noticed her on the way in and thought "that's a funny place to sit"

Luckily for me I left the toilet behind somebody who is used to the fact that little old ladies sit outside toilets in Belgium, and he tipped her. I followed suit for fear of being abused in Flemmish - but I still don't understand her purpose....:suspect:

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In Holland even pokey little bars have toilet attendants who you are expected to tip.


However the difference over there is firstly that is accepted as the norm and there is a little bit of a cultural difference, however the attendant doesn't pounce on you and wash your hands for you or try and sell you stuff, instead they keep the facilities clean and ensure the cubicle is stocked with toilet paper. The rest of the time they sit by the door collecting tips.

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Excuse my ignorence on this matter...perhaps i should get out more often but...How the hell can someone "wash your hands for you"....im having visions of standing with mother behind you...

..do they grab your hands and thrust them in the sink?...

..Im sure a polite " No thanks" would do.

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I have been to Germany Holland and Belgium too, in the last couple of years and there certainly were not toilet attendants at every toilet. Like some posters have said. I have been into bars stations and clubs.


The best systems to my mind is where you pay a penny to enter the facility. Rather than give a tip when you leave. It's really funny though when you are in a foreign loo at the urinal, and there is a little old lady with a grizzled face at the next one getting a gleaming shine on it with a cloth, with her vigorous polishing.

I find it disgusting when blokes spit chewing gum into urinals, where do they suppose it goes? Some boor sod has to unpick it from inside the drain hole yeuch!:rant:

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