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What does everyone think about Bar Max?


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Dead right - ghastly colour scheme. When they were repainting it I thought that was the undercoat at first! Sadly not. Looked much better all green or all red. It's also a really bad name - I can never remember what it's called and I always say something like, 'you know, that one next to Tesco that opens late'. Then I think 'Max's Kansas City' though I know that's not it either.


I've only been in for late drinks - it served a purpose for that (and when it's dark you can't see the colour scheme). But there's more choice in that dept now so maybe they need another refurb. Or just turn the lights down and have candles. I like its unpretentiousness which is a rarity on West St these days so I hope they sort it. Bring back the Mailcoach, Beehive etc.

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Sadly no real ale, they do have some foreign bottled beers though, I tend to drink the Fruli in there - Belgian fruit beer.


Where I end up at night tends to be dictated by the mates I'm with, but out of the limited choice of late bars in Sheffield that tends to be the winner as whilst it does get busy it's not uncomfortably crowded, and has a fairly relaxed feel about it.

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