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So how can the government fiddle the unemployment lists this time around ?

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I've got several, highly-trained friends who have lost their jobs (often for the first time in their lives). They're absolutely desperate to find another job for the sake of finances (still got mortgage to pay, kids to put through uni. etc.), sanity etc. but have too much in savings to qualify for JobSeekers Allowance. Not a fortune, and certainly not enough to see them through to retirement.


Hey presto! They're not unemployed after all!

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I've got several, highly-trained friends who have lost their jobs (often for the first time in their lives). They're absolutely desperate to find another job for the sake of finances (still got mortgage to pay, kids to put through uni. etc.), sanity etc. but have too much in savings to qualify for JobSeekers Allowance. Not a fortune, and certainly not enough to see them through to retirement.


Hey presto! They're not unemployed after all!


They are telling you porky pies as JSA Contribution Based is not means tested!!!

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They find ways to fiddle the contributions based bits. My OH was in work for 6 months before he was made redundant, before that he was a registered carer for his mother who is registered blind and has MS. Because he was only in work for 6 months he got told to get lost as he hadn't made sufficient contributions to get JSA. So even though he was unemployed he wasn't recorded as being so because this stupid, worthless government of ours was totally unwilling to help him, leaving me supporting myself, him, my baby daughter and a mortgage on SMP.

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They could wipe out the majority of unemployed overnight...

Lower retirement age to errrrm 20




Isn't that in effect whats happening now? although not in name, young people are realistically retired by having free homes/payments etc... whats the difference ?


Before anyone screams at me, I'm not bad mouthing people who have RECENTLY LOST THEIR JOBS DUE TO CURRENT ECONOMIC DOWNTURN jobs and are in a real nightmare scenario through no fault of their own (I feel for these people), I'm refering to people whom not working is a way of life now.

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Mr Brown will probably use his vast experience at adding up, gained when he was a chancellor and do the sums himself


so expect a bad figure but not record breakingly so


because as we all know 2 million + unemployed just doesn't happen under a labour government

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