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Why do red lights not apply to cyclists?

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I see cyclists jumping red lights everyday, maybe its because they pay no road tax, insurance, mot, that they think the road laws don't apply to them. I have little time for cyclists , they just get in my way.




Hilarious, I'm sure you won't be able to stop laughing if you kill someone because of your attitude.


I spread my dislike liberally around cyclists that jump lights, car drivers who think they own the road and pedestrians who walk in the cycle lane.

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Driving up St. Mary's Gate yesterday evening, I stopped at the lights where you would turn left to go down Shoreham St. Lights were obviously red. The driver to the right of me decided to stop, then go anyway through the red light, contravening the green light for the cyclist who was trying to cross on the cycle green light, nearly creaming him.


Bad on both sides. But a cyclist crossing a red light, foolishly, will usually only kill himself. I think half the problem is that testostarone kicks in, and male drivers who don't cycle just cannot bear the thought of being "beaten" to a destination, be that a fictitious one two hundred yards up the road.


The huge majority of adult cyclists one would suspect are also drivers. So have both perspectives. As demonstarted ad-infinitum on SF previously, one can fairly safely assume that most drivers do not cycle. (Certainly not on the roads, half an hour a month round the park with the kids in the summer doesn't count by the way...)


And let's not start the pointless "road tax" argument propagated by the hard of thinking. Under current arrangements, bikes would attract a zero rate anyway. :D

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I have little time for impatient drivers like you and are usually the ones who get a windscreen covered in phlegm.
That's actually the insides of an impatient cyclist who jumped a red light and ended being impaled by someone's car bonnet.


It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, you will lose.

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Don't any of you get bored senseless repeating the same old pony & trap over and over


Oooh, I bet we haven't had a thread about cyclists and the ineviatable coments about "Road Tax" (VED) with side mentions of low emission cars and...oh, let's mention horses as well somewhere in there.....hmmm..yes, at least 2 weeks since we've had one of those oh so novel, enlightening and REALLY REALLLY interesting and not at all repetitive and dull threads.

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You know I've not been on this forum for so long I had to crank up a new user name.

And hey look! The same old rants!


I stopped cycling to work after 3.5 years of it (now use bus and running)


In my cycling time I treated the bike as a vehicle, and rode it safely, legally, on the road (not the pavement) and yes, even insured it,


No accidents no tickets no probs

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