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Why do red lights not apply to cyclists?

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I have read all the posts on here. My conclusion is that my opinion has not changed. Todays busy roads are just too dangerous for cyclists. They are not easy to see, if someone hits them they have no protection , plus they pay no road tax and so should NOT be allowed to ride on OUR roads.....wonder who pays for the cycle tracks too?....taken out of cyclists tax?


Spot on, also to add you get so many cyclists that are so far up their own arse they will do dangerous manouvers just to **** off cars, one example a cross roads, north and south roads are on red, cyclist from the north wants to tun right, lights change, cyclist just pulls out straight accross the south lane causing the traffic to emergancy stop, cyclist carrys on and jumps the next red!!

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I cycled to work for 10 years and we treated like a piece of litter on the road.


My favourite was traffic jams, when I would cycle past them, then one driver ahead would move his car close to the kerb forcing me to stop or mount the pavement.


Or the time a bus pulled out when I was turning right on a Roundabout forcing me to stop and get angry peeps from the cars behind me.

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Indeed. Anyone care to guess on the cost/mile of a motorway versus other roads or a cycle track? Those who whinge about "cyclists" not paying "road tax" really haven't thought it all through at all.

Most "cyclists" are also "motorists". So they already pay.

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And worth every penny, no cyclists, no crossings, very few busses. And thats why there are far less accidents on motorways!!


For a minute there I thought you were going to surprise us all by posting something intelligent. Guess you just like to keep us waiting :loopy:

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