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Why do red lights not apply to cyclists?

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Spot on, also to add you get so many cyclists that are so far up their own arse they will do dangerous manouvers just to **** off cars, one example a cross roads, north and south roads are on red, cyclist from the north wants to tun right, lights change, cyclist just pulls out straight accross the south lane causing the traffic to emergancy stop, cyclist carrys on and jumps the next red!!


Yeah, as a cyclist I carry out all sorts of suicidal moves such as the following:


Being correctly placed on a roundabout with right of way and nearly being creamed by the t****r driving onto the roundabout at about twice the legal speed limit whilst on his mobile. My high viz vest, two sets of front lights, two rear lights, numerous standard reflectors plus the extra ones I've stuck on being completley invisible obviously.


Same roundabout the day before. Minibus does exactly the same thing, causing me to swerve to the right to avoid him. Bloody good job nothing was coming past to my right. The driver nearly crapped himself when he saw how close he'd been to killing me.


And I've totally lost count of the near offs I've had whilst being on the main road and some idiot pulling out of a side road over a "give way" into my path. I can very easily be doing 20mph when they do this, so any crash is gonna hurt.


I am also very much a driver, doing well in excess of the annual average mileage for the UK every year. I don't agree with cyclists jumping lights, but I think that some of the cyclist hateing drivers could do with having a little look at their own behaviour. Not least because of the consequences for themselves if they take a cyclist out. If the cyclist comes to grief through their own stupidity thats one thing, but if a driver kills one through aggression? Well, they can work out the consequences. :rolleyes:

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For a minute there I thought you were going to surprise us all by posting something intelligent. Guess you just like to keep us waiting :loopy:


And the winner for the most hipocritcal post goes too..........


oops almost forgot to add a :loopy:

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Yeah, as a cyclist I carry out all sorts of suicidal moves such as the following:


Being correctly placed on a roundabout with right of way and nearly being creamed by the t****r driving onto the roundabout at about twice the legal speed limit whilst on his mobile. My high viz vest, two sets of front lights, two rear lights, numerous standard reflectors plus the extra ones I've stuck on being completley invisible obviously.


Same roundabout the day before. Minibus does exactly the same thing, causing me to swerve to the right to avoid him. Bloody good job nothing was coming past to my right. The driver nearly crapped himself when he saw how close he'd been to killing me.


And I've totally lost count of the near offs I've had whilst being on the main road and some idiot pulling out of a side road over a "give way" into my path. I can very easily be doing 20mph when they do this, so any crash is gonna hurt.


I am also very much a driver, doing well in excess of the annual average mileage for the UK every year. I don't agree with cyclists jumping lights, but I think that some of the cyclist hateing drivers could do with having a little look at their own behaviour. Not least because of the consequences for themselves if they take a cyclist out. If the cyclist comes to grief through their own stupidity thats one thing, but if a driver kills one through aggression? Well, they can work out the consequences. :rolleyes:


Yes there are plenty of idiotic drivers too, but I was trying to be on topic.

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Over the past week I've seen 2 cyclists jump red lights, Im not talking about kids either.


I think cyclists over the 18 should be managed by the police just like any other road user:


1. Should have a road user test

2. Carry insurance (my dad is a wheel chair user and has to have 3 party insurance, he moves slower than a push bike).

3. Should be registered, so if they are involved in an accident, they then can be prosicuted like any other road user. #

4. the bike should carry a reg plate. Ok they won't be caught by speed cameras unles its a steep hill.

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I think cyclists over the 18 should be managed by the police just like any other road user:


1. Should have a road user test

2. Carry insurance (my dad is a wheel chair user and has to have 3 party insurance, he moves slower than a push bike).

3. Should be registered, so if they are involved in an accident, they then can be prosicuted like any other road user. #

4. the bike should carry a reg plate. Ok they won't be caught by speed cameras unles its a steep hill.



1. Agree.


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I think cyclists over the 18 should be managed by the police just like any other road user:


1. Should have a road user test

2. Carry insurance (my dad is a wheel chair user and has to have 3 party insurance, he moves slower than a push bike).

3. Should be registered, so if they are involved in an accident, they then can be prosicuted like any other road user. #

4. the bike should carry a reg plate. Ok they won't be caught by speed cameras unles its a steep hill.



1. Agree.

2. What about children on bikes with no income?

3. They can still be prosucted without registration in either civil or criminal law so what will registering do?

4. How will this work if someone borrow's their mate's bike? Unlikely to be caught on speed cameras and it'll be down to proving who was on it? Waste of time.


Think it's a bit pointless really. Why not just force everyone in the country to carry compulsory insurance in case they're ever involved in any sort of accident in any shape or form with any object be it human, vehicle or otherwise?

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Yes there are plenty of idiotic drivers too, but I was trying to be on topic.


My last parargaph states that I disagree with cyclists jumping red lights, which is what I believe the OP was all about. However, I believe I have a right to counter some of the vitriol aimed at cyclists, if that's ok with you...


My point is, that generally speaking a cyclist jumping red lights will do themselves a michief.

Whereas the motorists who are mud slinging would be better off aiming at those idiots beheind the wheel who do exactly the same thing, but are far more likely to kill someone else. Or are on the mobile. Or doing 60mph in a 30 zone. Or smoking dope whilst driving. Or have had 6 pints of Stella...etc etc.

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I think cyclists over the 18 should be managed by the police just like any other road user:


1. Should have a road user test

2. Carry insurance (my dad is a wheel chair user and has to have 3 party insurance, he moves slower than a push bike).

3. Should be registered, so if they are involved in an accident, they then can be prosicuted like any other road user. #

4. the bike should carry a reg plate. Ok they won't be caught by speed cameras unles its a steep hill.


I'd agree with 1, and make it a pre-requisite to getting a driving license, with exemptions for disabilities etc.

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A pre-requisite for a driving license. That would be cool. Then anyone in a car would also have experience of other road users and perhaps be a bit more careful. Not sure it would work though. Especially if exemptions had to be made for those who couldn't cycle - wouldn't that be a bit of discrimination?

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I don't know exactly how to implement it, but it's something I've felt since I passed my Cycling Proficiency back when I was about 9 or 10.


And, no point in worrying about perceived discrimination, many requirements have similar exemptions, I'd imagine :)


It's certainly way more doable than registering cycles for instance, and the benefits for everyone would be immense

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