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Can you Juggle? Fire, balls, clubs? Anything!

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If you can please come along and brighten up our day. Middlewood winners are planning a community festival in Middlewood Park and we desperately need some talented people to come along and brighten the place up with your skills.


If you have any skills or talents that you would like to bring to the day please pm me and I will fill you in on the details. Juggle/unicycle/clown/drum ?


Its a community event and we want to make it special.


Thanks in advance email Festival

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lol Kristian,


Seriously though I need bodies! Any bodies!! (lol) I want musicians and jugglers and well anyone who has something to offer, including stall holders who wanna try and sell their wares.


I do hope you will pop down and see us on the day K x

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How about contacting Sandra Spice?


A lot of Spice members (and ex-members) can fire eat (including myself, ahem - tho I'm well out of practice!) and juggle etc. Dunno if Spice would be interested in a stall and bringing along a few members to entertain the crowd and encourage folk to join Spice etc etc... mebee worth a PM to Sandra?


Oh and, when is it?

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I take your point - doh - surely people who want to do this kinda stuff want to show off and do it in public. Of course they do!


Guess I'm rather the exception in being shy of doing it in front of people! :heyhey:

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  • 7 months later...

Does anyone know of any circus skill groups that teach people juggling, poi, diabolo and spinning plates etc? I'm interested in learning all this stuff properly instead of messing about in the back garden by myself. ;)

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