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Public toilets in Town


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3 hours ago, LovePotion said:

So we just close things down out of fear? Stop living our lives? A punch to the stomach should get the mugger to drop the knife in many cases. 

You sound tuff, will you be my minder, Tereeee!  :hihi:

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20 minutes ago, SFBeca said:



Hope this helps... seems there are quite a few options!

Well, that is a start and settles my frustrations a little. I do hope things will continue to improve in this respect.

Younger people may not realise it but, it could make many visitors (especially over 50's - the ones who spend money)  decide whether they  ever come again.

I know other towns and cities are just as bad but people need to shout out until proper facilities are provided.

It shouldn't need saying that, private businesses alone shouldn't be expected to carry the load.

We pay our council taxes etc. to councils and government and it's they who should provide all the facilities we need as they did (and did well) in the 20th century.

Problems with vandals and vagrants etc should be tackled properly by the authorities instead of letting them close facilities down.

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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Well, that is a start and settles my frustrations a little. I do hope things will continue to improve in this respect.

Younger people may not realise it but, it could make many visitors (especially over 50's - the ones who spend money)  decide whether they  ever come again.

I know other towns and cities are just as bad but people need to shout out until proper facilities are provided.

It shouldn't need saying that, private businesses alone shouldn't be expected to carry the load.

We pay our council taxes etc. to councils and government and it's they who should provide all the facilities we need as they did (and did well) in the 20th century.

Problems with vandals and vagrants etc should be tackled properly by the authorities instead of letting them close facilities down.

Agree on that point :gag:

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3 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

God has someone seriously resurrected this prize tut of a thread again.


Jesus, how many more times do we have to have this pointless argument. We are not in the dark ages anymore. We are no longer gathering around, paying a penny to take our turn on the communal bog.


The train station has toilets, both bus interchanges have toilets, the council offices have toilets, the library has toilets, the galleries have toilets, the Jobcentre and benefits offices have toilets,  M&S has toilets, Atkinsons have toilets, Next has toilets, the Market Hall has toilets, two of the Q Parks have toilets, every single bar, cafe and restaurant has toilets, the hotels have toilets, the cinemas have toilets, the theatres have toilets, every office building has toilets....


If that's not enough there are even a couple of coin operated automated toilets. Said before and will say again, if someone visiting the city centre does not at some point passed nearby or in any of the above what the hell are there in the wandering around for.  Just how often is the occurrence when despite all of that availability above -  someone is so desperately need that they have no option but to go in the street.


Absolute nonsense. All this OTT demand to get our taxpayer monies literally peed away creating additional unnecessary facilities which are nowadays more than sufficiently covered  covered by other means.

Where are the two interchanges ?

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2 hours ago, SFBeca said:



Hope this helps... seems there are quite a few options!

Clicked on the link and found out that the council are investing £300,000 in a plan for a hub of cafes, shops and toilets with a big screen will start appearing on Fargate!

These hubs will be held in shipping containers.


An artist has kindly supplied an impression of what these will look like:


 Hub of activity. This is how it could look on a sunny day.

Artist's impression of plans to build a 'box' of cafes, shops and toilets on Fargate in Sheffield city centre near the Town Hall. Sheffield Council and Steel Yard are collaborating on the plans and aim to have it open later this year in

2022. Credit: ADD Architects.

Artist's impression of plans to build a 'box' of cafes, shops and toilets on Fargate in Sheffield city centre near the Town Hall. Sheffield Council and Steel Yard are collaborating on the plans and aim to have it open later this year in 2022. Credit: ADD Architects.


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18 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

They are the ones hanging over the river? I don't think they were used for cottaging, I know Manor Top and Gleadless were. Councils just used this as an excuse to close them. What harm does cottaging do really? As long as they do it in the cubicle and make sure no children can see/hear, I don't see why councils are allegedly so concerned about it. Many lay bys are used for dogging but the councils don't close them.

Your knowledge of public toilets is quite astounding LP.

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