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Public toilets in Town


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27 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

This discussion has reminded me of when I went to The Jam Festival in 2006, I was only 10/11 I went to the toilet and noticed a couple in the next cubicle getting it on! This was in the National Centre For Popular Music or whatever it is called these days, there were a pair of men's feet and a pair of women's. I knew instantly what they were doing.

Cross dressing ?

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52 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

This discussion has reminded me of when I went to The Jam Festival in 2006, I was only 10/11 I went to the toilet and noticed a couple in the next cubicle getting it on! This was in the National Centre For Popular Music or whatever it is called these days, there were a pair of men's feet and a pair of women's. I knew instantly what they were doing.

This discussion has reminded me of the time I was sixteen years  old and went to the Lavatory in  Fitzallan Square for a widdle.  I had buried this experience deep in my mind but you have brought it to the fore . 

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19 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Is the Lavatory the cabin what became The Hungry Wolf? I went past there the other day but I didn't notice if it were still there I was too busy looking at the new lawn and ducks.

Don’t know ,I’ve stayed away for 20 years 

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