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Enterprise Inns


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Well the Govt is due to review pub Company monopolies again later this year, so hopefully an end will be put once and for all to the extortionate and unfair practices of pub companies. I have heard it say many times than under latest European Law pub companies cannot enforce 'beer ties' on any of their customers at all, but who knows if this is really the case..


best advice to anyone looking for a pub, wait it out as many will become freehold as pub companies are folding left right and centre and disposing of all their real estate to pay their crippling debts.......The major players, Punch, Enterprise, Mitchell and Butler, and others like Trust, Globe, et al, are all in debt to the staggering tune of BILLIONS combined..and I do mean BILLIONS there...it is the end of pub companies as we know it for sure.....but the RE_BIRTH of the good old British Pub as we USED to know it, I am sure....


even Weatherspoons, believe it or not, are in trouble, facing a rising £450 million debt with closures imminent

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I agree with what you say goldenfleece and I do hope your right about the re-birth of the good old British pub. The problem is, with the way unemployment is heading, will there be the people there to go in them and spend money?


I also think supermarkets are to blame with the buy three cases of lager for £16 offers, this along with X box and playstation, people having their mates over. Staying in is becoming the new going out. Hope I'm proved to be wrong.

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