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Memories of "The Limit" Nightclub


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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by WhiteRabbit

Does anyone remember The Limit? - a downstairs nightclub at the bottom of West Street, dingy hole but great night out and incredibly cheap drinks! I used to go all the time between 1986 and 1988.....

yep we all did,and now we spend all our time on here :D oh them were the days:thumbsup:
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Am I missing something?


I went once and once only around 89-90.


I stuck to the carpets. I saw big burly guys walking around taking money off little guys. You dare not look straight forward for fear of catching someones' eye, which invariably meant you were going to be stabbed. You looked straight up, or down at the carpet. The toilets were just used for rolling joints.


Wasn't the limit one of the first clubs to introduce plastic cups? Any reason for that? MMmmm.

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Originally posted by ceevee

Am I missing something?


I went once and once only around 89-90.


I stuck to the carpets. I saw big burly guys walking around taking money off little guys. You dare not look straight forward for fear of catching someones' eye, which invariably meant you were going to be stabbed. You looked straight up, or down at the carpet. The toilets were just used for rolling joints.


Wasn't the limit one of the first clubs to introduce plastic cups? Any reason for that? MMmmm.


Are you kidding? The tacky carpet and general dinginess were all part of what made it so great at the Limit...


I used to work there '88-89 as well - certainly was an experience...I have memories of working the Stella bar & having bottles chucked at me - maybe plastic cups were a good idea!!


Limit on Thursday night as I remember it & the Leadmill on Friday... :):loopy:

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