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Memories of "The Limit" Nightclub


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Hiya Rob...didn't know that Trevor had been in the Sun! I just remember him running upto me on Fargate, complete with handbag swinging, grabbing hold of me BIG mmmwahh & my poor Grandad nearly whalloping him...lol

It's driving me mental the shop that used to be opposite the Fountain Bar that sold really great vintage clothes.

I'm not doing too bad thanks...I was diagnosed with C.R.P.S. (type 1)(also known as Sudeck's atrophy) just before Xmas and have loads of tests, the MRI was horrid, waiting for a Metabollic Bone Scan now, but the tablets are kicking in :-). Hows you and Jordan?? Kristien's settled (thank God) has a girlfriend, of 18 months & working!!!!

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I remember a clothes shop opposite the Fountain Bar called "X-clothes" that sold cool stuff, early 80's.


Trevor was indeed in "The Sun" as Rob says, he was signed up by Mickie Most and re-packaged as butch pop star! There was a picture of him in a Sunday paper at the time, with his hair cut much shorter and he was without a shirt, not at all like his Limit persona.

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Not 'that' butch tho - howcher.jpg



I used to work in the Halifax on the Moor when there were only 7 of us staff - Saturday mornings after a Friday Limit was a killer even in my youth - remember falling off my chair while serving someone I was so hungover to my shame.


He brought me in this copy - cheers Trev x

God I was so jealous of his nails.

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