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Memories of "The Limit" Nightclub


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Limit was the first club I ever went to. I was 15 and went with my 14 year old mate. Both mad goths, we looked years older than we were so got in easily. I vaguely remember dancing on a stage, waving my arms around like a demented chicken!!! It was sooooooo cool going to school te next week and telling everyone we'd been to The Limit!


my mum went crazy and sent my brother out to look for me!!!


Probably ended up grounded too!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have really fond memories of the limit, it was a great place to go, yes i remember the bouncers, the music and the bands, plastic glasses,goths and on saturday nights was the night when rockers were allowed in without too much of a do!

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I used to spend far too much time in there.


Leave work, round the corner to the Moorfoot, up to the Wap and then on to the Limit at closing time. Repeat as necessary...


Darn Sarf at the moment but hoping to return soon.

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Guest teebee

on many i saturday morning i woke with a bad hangover from the night before after spending too much time in the limit drinking barley wine, for some unknown reason, the best cure for it was going out and doing it again on the saturday night.... thoes were the days i suppose

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeh I went still have my blue limit flyer for student and nurses night on a tuesday...ahhhh


The club with two brains was good too - then we all moved onto the palais on a tues night...ahh


Nearest we get now is the casbah which is a good night...


I used to go to the limit 88-close...so I may know some of you...


I must admit me and my mates were regulars..

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  • 1 month later...

The limit shut on 19 january 1991,I didn't go on the last night(sat)but went in on the night before.

Woke up hungover the next day and missed the coach to Man City(Utd were playing there)

The poster who said the last night was filmed is correct,an old girlfiend of mine bought it coz she was in it! Also all the barrels where emptyed on the last night!!

Whoever said there was no trouble in the limit ,can't have gone there that often,when some leeds fans payed a visit in June 83,there was pandamoniam,this was the only time the Limit got closed down,in the mid to late 80's Blades and Owls fans used to fight in there all the time.

Remember javis cocker and the drummer out off pulp getting abused by the casuals who used to stand in the corner(near the toilets)I seem to remember them picking on Goths as well.

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