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Memories of "The Limit" Nightclub


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Ah i remember it well.

Sticky carpet, knee deep in yellow water in the toilets, but a crakin pint of magnet and it was cheap!

The goths used to hang out in the top corner and on a Saturday we used to go mental when New Order's bizzare love triangle came on and danced on the small stage.


A freind and i went religously twice a week and i was there on the last night.


We danced the night away and drank like demons until they ran out of draft beer and the cans were a rip off so we left about 11:30 and sold the tickets to students on West Street for the same price i paid for them!


Great memories. They've never been able to recreate that place but i dont think i would want them too. Now a thirty something i quite like my dingey dives to come with clean bogs and a fair selection of hard spirits. Good times though.

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My other half practically lived in the limit during the 80's so i have heard plenty of stories from him. Some not as gorey as the ones in the book though (the bloke with glass in his nose and head - ouch).

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My first clubbing experience - the limit - I was far too young to be in there, but nobody cared, met my first boyfriend in there. Still have pass for thursday nights if anyone interested...thursday was 'goff nite' (whats a goff, I wondered). still harbour a secret yearning for clubs with sticky carpets, smell of sick in corners, don't tell anyone

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first visit to The Limit was in 1979 - I was THIRTEEN YEARS OLD! I don't know how I got in but my brother took me to see John Cooper Clarke there. It stank of stale beer, I didn't understand a thing J.C.C was on about only that he used a lot of swear words and I laughed because everyone else did, I drank half a pint of Stella and felt blind drunk, perhaps the reason I couldn't walk properly because of the sticky carpet though!


I loved The Limit after that and went as often as possible. It wasn't like other nightclubs. I hated the poncy pick-up joints like what ever the Top Rank was called after it was no longer the Top Rank, I remember it as Roxy's (Poxy Roxy's, argh!) but I think it was called something else in between.


There was something about the Stella in The Limit Club too. It made you drunk much faster than anywhere else but it wasn't a normal kind of drunk, I'm sure they put chemical alcohol in brown carbonated water!


Towards the end the Limit went down hill completely. It might have always lacked in the decor department but It had a relaxed atmosphere, then all of a sudden it was full of violence and became an unsafe place to go - unless you wanted someone to stick a broken bottle in your face. I think the fights were the main reason it closed down, they couldn't run a business with only a handful of customers who wanted to kill each other!

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i used to call in fridays/saturdays,started off in the albert,down to the wop then up the limit, luckiest night ever i got a weekend with the lovely ann, the blonde barmaid at the limit, fantastic days, if it was a bit slack i used to go down to the crazy daisy then double back to the limit.


remember the chippie just below where you got about eight chips in a tray?and there was a little genel that led down to trippet lane,it only had one old street lamp on it,so if you were lucky you could.........................................:clap: :clap:

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