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The Tia-Anna discussion thread


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Having watched Ti a Rade on Britains got No Talent can I ask "Why is it that only gay people think that such crass entertainment is worthy of a night out?" To say that the act was pathetic is an understatement that only the heterosexual community can understand it seems...

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seeing as this is a thread about tia anna and people opinions of him


I think the guy needs to step back take a look in the mirror and realise how much of a fool you are stop trying to inflict tia anna on people.....when will you realise people are laughing at you not with you?

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Having watched Ti a Rade on Britains got No Talent can I ask "Why is it that only gay people think that such crass entertainment is worthy of a night out?" To say that the act was pathetic is an understatement that only the heterosexual community can understand it seems...


Please please please let me assure you that there is a large proportion of Sheffield gay people who have no desire to experience Tia's, erm "talents":confused:, and in no way think it makes a worthy night out. Red Room put on a night once a month called Speed Queen which it geared towards the G/L/B community, and they make a good job of that imo.....Whatever they were thinking with booking Tia for the event on the 5th, I really have no idea. Some claim that Tia has "fans" and gay people who enjoy his/her "entertainment", however after seven years on Sheffield scene I so far have only met two, and I still don't understand why they think there is any talent here :loopy:


Sheffield gay people do seem to be getting laughed at somewhat at the moment, once gay people from other cities become aware one is from Sheffield, it usually goes along the lines of "Oh from where that Tia-Anna off BGT is from!?" and then they descend into fits of laughter and comments such as "God is Sheffield scene really that awful?"...It is becoming somewhat embarrassing. A lot of Sheffield gay's have started saying they are from other cities:blush:

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Well I dont see any reason to hide the fact I am from Sheffield and I am a big fan of Tia Annas and her undoubtedly talented performances :-)


I'm not saying you or anyone should hide where they are from or that they are a fan of Tia-Anna. Completely your choice.


Just not a view that many people seem to share.


You was one of the two people I mentioned that seem to like Tia, but I didn't feel it was appropriate to name you as such......Although if speaking to you in person, your "support" and appreciation of Tias "undoubtedly talented performances", sometimes seems very much different to what you say on here ;)

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Well I dont see any reason to hide the fact I am from Sheffield and I am a big fan of Tia Annas and her undoubtedly talented performances :-)



Which performances are these ?, can you point us in the right direction ?, the only ones we seem to see are her "beyond rubbish" ones.


We obviously must be watching the wrong videos on YouTube, can you enlighten us all please on her oustanding performances.


I agree with AndyB666, Tiannna is becoming rather an embarrasing Sheffield drag queen, and we are laughing at her, hence why he isn`t performing on stage at Sheffield Gay Pride, and doubt he ever will, and why I dont feature him on my website either, and does not perform at any gay venue either, his claim to fame at the moment is s spot at the "Moorfoot Tavern".


Maybe you should start a campaign to show us the wonderful performances he does.


Also in public you may need to stick up for her as you do on the Forum, because your views do not match. :huh:

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Please please please let me assure you that there is a large proportion of Sheffield gay people who have no desire to experience Tia's, erm "talents":confused:, and in no way think it makes a worthy night out. Red Room put on a night once a month called Speed Queen which it geared towards the G/L/B community, and they make a good job of that imo.....Whatever they were thinking with booking Tia for the event on the 5th, I really have no idea. Some claim that Tia has "fans" and gay people who enjoy his/her "entertainment", however after seven years on Sheffield scene I so far have only met two, and I still don't understand why they think there is any talent here :loopy:


Sheffield gay people do seem to be getting laughed at somewhat at the moment, once gay people from other cities become aware one is from Sheffield, it usually goes along the lines of "Oh from where that Tia-Anna off BGT is from!?" and then they descend into fits of laughter and comments such as "God is Sheffield scene really that awful?"...It is becoming somewhat embarrassing. A lot of Sheffield gay's have started saying they are from other cities:blush:

I apologise to you most profoundly Andy, I only posted as this monstrosity called tia anna is becoming a celebrity albeit in a big brother cast off style in its own way. People like HIM should not glean any fame or noteriety from such a pathetic excuse for such a shambolic performance on national tv. I can see exactly where the gay community would deny coming from Sheffield thanks to the talentless lump that is Tia Anna (Tyranna).. you have my utmost sympathy Andy, just when the Sheffield gay scene was getting its feet under the acceptable carpet, some pillock like Tyranna decides to ruin it all for you with its antics... Shame on you Tyranna... Back in the closet with you where we dont have to endure you..
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Why dont we all go to the next performance with a set of score cards each :hihi:


I'm busy that day. When is it again?


Here's my online vote though.


Gee I would love to come, but I think that's the day I'm having my ear drums removed with a rusty drill :shocked:....Actually there probably wouldn't be that much difference in damage to my hearing if I did go to the next performance :D

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