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The Tia-Anna discussion thread


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So if another of Sheffield's drag queens came on this forum, started the "X Discussion Thread" (where X is the name of the drag queen), and that person was allowed to promote their nights in that thread, would it be allowed to stay? Can a Mod come in and answer that question please without deleting this comment or arrogantly saying "contact the Helpdesk", or I will be directly messaging Geoff in the morning.

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Everyone is allowed a thread to promote their events provided they aren't prohibited by our family friendly rules- that's the whole point of the Going Out section. This thread is in place so that Tyranna (and whatever fans she has) are aware that they can't post information on other threads. That's the only difference between this and other acts.

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I apologise to you most profoundly Andy, I only posted as this monstrosity called tia anna is becoming a celebrity albeit in a big brother cast off style in its own way. People like HIM should not glean any fame or noteriety from such a pathetic excuse for such a shambolic performance on national tv. I can see exactly where the gay community would deny coming from Sheffield thanks to the talentless lump that is Tia Anna (Tyranna).. you have my utmost sympathy Andy, just when the Sheffield gay scene was getting its feet under the acceptable carpet, some pillock like Tyranna decides to ruin it all for you with its antics... Shame on you Tyranna... Back in the closet with you where we dont have to endure you..


Thankies for the apology and the sypathy, it's very welcome and I totally agree with all you said.


Are you sure you wouldn't like to come down and see Tia-Anna "perform" at the Red Room on the 5th? We could hurl tomatoes :D:P

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If just six Forummers go to the Red Room gig, it would double the size of the audience that went along to watch him at the Moorfoot gig.


So only four people turned up to the Moorfoot lol!

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I apologise to you most profoundly Andy, I only posted as this monstrosity called tia anna is becoming a celebrity albeit in a big brother cast off style in its own way. People like HIM should not glean any fame or noteriety from such a pathetic excuse for such a shambolic performance on national tv. I can see exactly where the gay community would deny coming from Sheffield thanks to the talentless lump that is Tia Anna (Tyranna).. you have my utmost sympathy Andy, just when the Sheffield gay scene was getting its feet under the acceptable carpet, some pillock like Tyranna decides to ruin it all for you with its antics... Shame on you Tyranna... Back in the closet with you where we dont have to endure you..



SHAME ON YOU Rikki tikki and others for being so PREJUDICED AND PHOBIC to someone such as me who is actually quite agood act and has made HUGE sacrifices to pursue my drag career. the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of people in Sheffield and elsewhere, straight and gay thoroughly enjoy my act, and it is only a TINY minority of you (all gay people, incidentally, you should be so ashamed) who have the JEALOUSY AND THE NERVE to condemn me just because I try so hard and at last am tasting success...


Names and addresses of the worst culprits above will be shortly searched out and stiff lawyers' letters will be on their way...



BTW, Admins, thanks for trying out the experiment of creating a 'Tyranna' thread which has simply descended into a mud-slinging.


As I myself am the artiste whom the thread is about, would you admins please DELETE THIS THREAD AND ALL ITS CONTENTS IN THE SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE, as I WILL be taking steps through my professional management to have LEGAL ACTION taken against Sheffield Forum if any such offensive comments about me remain up on the Forum.


I am happy to post as a private individual on the Forum, as I am involved in lots of events and issues (eg the Railway station footbridge and potholes on roads) and more often than not engage in non-drag related discussions.


Thanking You in advance, Admins!:hihi::love::thumbsup:

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