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MP's Expenses

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On 13/11/2021 at 20:26, iansheff said:

Just reading that Geoffrey Cox  claimed £1,500 for seven car trips to the House of Commons over three months in 2020, 'but only voted in person three times'.

He must have gone there for the cheap lunches if he only went to vote 3 times out of the 7 trips



Shock horror, MP claims the correct amount for a journey. you can claim 45p per mile up to the first 10,000 miles of business use. Given that he has a 440 mile round trip then £1,500 is correct. 

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You could have another go if you like, perhaps building up to a point instead of a half-baked and not very funny insult.


I'd been ignoring you, like most everyone else, but I'm having a sausage sandwich and you caught me at a weak moment. But please, go ahead and reply with something of substance that's worth a response.



44 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Shock horror, MP claims the correct amount for a journey. you can claim 45p per mile up to the first 10,000 miles of business use. Given that he has a 440 mile round trip then £1,500 is correct. 


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  • 1 year later...

Gill Furniss MP is absolutely useless.


I provided evidence of abuse of public funds along with several other examples of how a housing association do not meet their obligations with regards safety etc, yet receive £233.33 of taxpayer's money every 7 days (plus a service charge) for each tenant. She was just not bothered. Repeatedly failed to answer questions, and when a reply was received (by her staff) it was useless and only partially answered some of the questions with others being ignored completely.


Gill Furniss MP is happy to employ her daughter while doing nothing of substance for her constituents. Her approach is modelled on the Nadine Dorries model of being an MP i.e. doing nothing for her constituents. It seems her staff do all the work and she sits back and claims her £85k a year to feel important. Oh yeah and she received a personal 'gift' from the Qatari government. The woman has zero integrity and does not fulfil her role as an MP.

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4 hours ago, UselessMP said:

I provided evidence of abuse of public funds along with several other examples of how a housing association do not meet their obligations with regards safety etc, yet receive £233.33 of taxpayer's money every 7 days (plus a service charge) for each tenant.


Was this in the MPs constituency?

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  • 3 months later...

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