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Cross Addy Street, Upperthorpe, Any memories

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Possibly David Willis, could be wrong though. And Mark, I came back in 72, remember seeing you in the Buccaneer pub with some shiela? Came back out in 90 to Oz....Still miss the pubs back home.


Andy...yep it was David Willis. As to our meeting in the Buccaneer - I remember now...I even remember the girls name...it was Kim. That place has very fond memories, but is the subject of another thread on this board.


Am I wrong but during the time you were back did you know a guy called John Duggan?....its just when I remember him your name comes to mind.


Another name has just come back...remember John Taylor?...he lived down Springvale Road, almost opposite Cross Addy Street


I moved away from Sheffield 20 years ago, but still go back to see Mum and Dad, I drove down Crookesmoor Road and Addy Street a few months ago, you would'nt recognise the place, apart from the School.


Do you remember the hardware shop at the end of your street?...that was a real Alladins Cave...smell of paraffin etc....he sold those balsa wood gliders for a few pennies which you threw around till they landed on someones roof or got smashed.


Upperthorpe Library is still there, not sure about the Swimming Baths...the building was there. I just remembered.... I am sure you and I passed our swimming test on the same day (Mr Price was the instructor I think)...two lengths of the baths without touching the floor and then we were with the kids who could haunt the deep end and not float around in the shallow end with cork floats.


Another thread on this board is about Sheffiled United Transport (SUT) did'nt you live opposite an SUT driver? - I am sure I can remember an SUT coach parked outside his house ocasionally...or I may be dreaming.

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  • 9 months later...

Hey Mark, just logged on after a few months away... John Duggan was a mate of mine, saw him for years until he went down to London around 76. Kept in touch but I believe he lives in South Africa now. John Taylor was an aquantance as a kid. I remember him doing diving at school, was in some sort of competition I think? Funnily enough I was doing an electronics course at Stannington College in the early seventies and ended up partnered with his big brother David Taylor.

I remember the SUT coach as well, suspect the driver was up to no good, always wondered why there were so many of us kids looked like him!

On a different tack.. was talking to a bloke at work who attended Totley College, niether of us could remember the names of the two pubs up there... spent many a time in them, also the pub opposite City Hall on the corner in the seventies... anyone?

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On a different tack.. was talking to a bloke at work who attended Totley College, niether of us could remember the names of the two pubs up there... spent many a time in them, also the pub opposite City Hall on the corner in the seventies... anyone?


Hiya Mate


good to hear from you again.


One of the Pubs up at Totley was the Fleur de Lys I think. Can't remember the name of teh other - yet.


The pub opposite the City HAll, in BArkers Pool, was called The Albert, a grand boozer,I belive they found a bloody great hole underneath it and had to close it down. Not been down in the centre of Sheff for donkey's years but I beleive there is a Cafe/Bar there now.

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We lived diagonally opposite the Ashberry Pub during the 1960's. It was run by a couple, whose names I can't remember (my old Mum may - I will call her in the morning) but I can see them both in my head as if it were yesterday.


She, heavily made up, lots of 'bling' (not called that in those days) and very loud. He small, appeared timid would'nt say boo to a goose, but both very friendly.


Saturday night at teh pub always ended up in a singalong - many is the night that I have gone to sleep with the tap room in full voice belting out a selection from the 'Desert Song' or something like that - what a lullaby.

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