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Remember the Heartbeat nightclub

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Does anyone remember the Heartbeat nightclub. Wa one of the first major owned nightclubs in Sheffield. It was Stars in a previous incarnation on Queen's Road. Remember one of the managers Bob Woolley and the mighty atom (gone painting). Remember on the closing night a fight broke out and they used the long bar as a target range with the pint pots. They did the best to hit the bar manager as he ran the length of the bar to phone the police. Anyone any other memories.

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I remember it well Barry Cambell who used to be the d.j. at the Esquire was the d.j there along with the prat mighty atom.I finally ended up being with my first wife there,good and bad memories:mad: I remember queueing up those stairs to get in and if I remember rightly there was a bit of a dress code to get in.

There used to be a bowling alley downstairs that later turned into a olde tyme music hall didn't last long before it became a bingo hall !There was also a casino called club tiberius is it still a casino ?

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  • 8 months later...

What brilliant memories! Went there all the time in the late 60's and early 70's. Remember a 'stag' night there once when they had 2 lady artistes and after getting down to the bare essentials asked for volunteers to join in the fun. There was baby oil everywhere. My mate (Stuart) - part time DJ - got involved and ended up doing things you weren't supposed to in those days. Used to drive there in my red MG Midget - what a poser:cool: Didn't half fancy a girl who went there almost as much as me - she was always with her mate and they came from Southey Green-lived opposite the old cinema - think her name was Pat. Eventually got to go out with her but for some reason didn't last long. Shame - she was gorgeous. Ah, the good old days.

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Originally posted by ExKingTed2

What brilliant memories! Went there all the time in the late 60's and early 70's. Remember a 'stag' night there once when they had 2 lady artistes and after getting down to the bare essentials asked for volunteers to join in the fun. There was baby oil everywhere. My mate (Stuart) - part time DJ - got involved and ended up doing things you weren't supposed to in those days. Used to drive there in my red MG Midget - what a poser:cool: Didn't half fancy a girl who went there almost as much as me - she was always with her mate and they came from Southey Green-lived opposite the old cinema - think her name was Pat. Eventually got to go out with her but for some reason didn't last long. Shame - she was gorgeous. Ah, the good old days.


Yes I organised it, worked there with Stuart on a few occasions. The comedian was Joe Belcher we asked him compare the mardy get wouldn't. One stripper had a broken arm. The older lady who stu performed with must have been someones great great great Grandma. The best thing about that night was when I went into the changing room to discuss in order they were appearing. I had to try and hold a face to face conversation with this woman stark naked and a foot shorter than me.


How is Stu remember him to me my stage name down there was Derek Dane

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Ah yes, those were the days, Saturday nights, along with my mates from Upperthorpe:Graham Shaw, Walt, Steve, Butch. All piling in hoping to score, and all piling out at 2am, making up reasons why we didn't! I think that when it first opened it had the bowling alley and Craywood casino on the bottom floor, then above that the ice skating rink and on the top floor the Heartbeat club.The first time the rink opened,I remember Queens Rd was full of ambulances! Everyone in Sheffield was under the impression that it was easy to ice skate and that they could. I tried it once and forty years later still have the bruises:) I don't know if the bowling alley is still around but thats where all the bus drivers and conductors used to go if they were working late at night and early the next morning. Being a bus conductor and later a station porter at Midland station have got to be the worst jobs I have ever had ( If I leave out being a FLOUR GRADER!)

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The bowling alley is now a bingo hall, the Heartbeat is now Stars & Strips open for functions etc not sure if it is still open as a nightclub and there are two new ice rinks open on attercliffe road. Spent many a happy underage night at the Heartbeat, my brother taking my taxi money for a last drink then we would have to walk up EastBank Rd to the Valley home - kids these days have no idea how to enjoy themselves:D

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Originally posted by ALZYMER

Ah yes, those were the days, Saturday nights, along with my mates from Upperthorpe:Graham Shaw, Walt, Steve, Butch. All piling in hoping to score, and all piling out at 2am, making up reasons why we didn't! I think that when it first opened it had the bowling alley and Craywood casino on the bottom floor, then above that the ice skating rink and on the top floor the Heartbeat club.The first time the rink opened,I remember Queens Rd was full of ambulances! Everyone in Sheffield was under the impression that it was easy to ice skate and that they could. I tried it once and forty years later still have the bruises:) I don't know if the bowling alley is still around but thats where all the bus drivers and conductors used to go if they were working late at night and early the next morning. Being a bus conductor and later a station porter at Midland station have got to be the worst jobs I have ever had ( If I leave out being a FLOUR GRADER!)


Remember Grahan Shaw played football with him for Hillesbrough Park Rangers, how is he doing?

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Thats right desey, His nickname was 'WASP' Idon't know why. I don't have a clue where he is or what's happened to him as I have lived in Florida for 20 years. I last saw him in the early 80's. He was a doorman at Napoleon's Casino on Ecclesall Road and I was a croupier.

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