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Italian descendants

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Hi thanks for your message do you recognise any of the Terrazo workers in the photos ? I would love to be able to put names to them if you can helt let me know.

The Pelegrino brothers were Albert,Ernest.Fred & Joseph I believe there was also a Cousin called Vincent & possibly one called Domonico & also lots of grandsons. If you have any old photos of any of the old italians I would love to see them.

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Great site,nice to see a picture of the late Chic Rosso, such a nice man. I also knew Frank, Paul and Joanie, Anginotti from the Woodthorpe estate. I worked with the late Joe Pellogrina and his brothers Ernest, the other brothers name escapes me im afraid. Also Lol Saccomando who was also in the terrazo/tiling game, we all worked for Spina + Pascotts in the 70s early 80s. My dad used to hire a barrel organ for the weekend from the Cuneos i think back in the 30s. Keep up the good work.


Still awaiting to hear if you can identify any of the terrazo workers in the photos

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Hello Sliver....I married into the Saccomando family in 1967 to Lawrence Saccomando's younger brother Paul. Lawrence did work for Spina & Pascott in late 1960.


I would be pleased to pass on any contact number/address from you if you wanted to be in touch with Lawrence.


R Saccomando

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Hi Boozy.bird....just trying to join this forum as I married Andrew John Saccomando's son Paul in 1967.


The west-bar-italians.co.uk site is excellent but I was very surprised to see photographs of Andrew Saccomando taken during WW2. He was captured by the Germans in France and spent sometime in Stalag 8. Needless to say life was never to be the same again for my father-in-law after the war. He suffered with what is known today as post traumatic stress thereafter.


Also photographs of Andrew's older brother Edward, younger brother Tony and sister Doris. Could I ask if you know where these photographs came from. All these family members have now passed away.



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This is to comfirm what as so far ( in a nice way ) been said about me, I started my working life back in 1960 for Spina and Pascott,working with Joe Spina, Ernest Pascott ,Chic Rosso ,Lol Rosso and many more terrazzo workers, my father Andrew was also there, as was my 2 uncles Ernest and Joe Pellegrino, after serving my time as a terrazzo layer I also had a few years working for Hodkin and Jones under Eric Stefanuti , all the years back to 1960 were good days as I learnt lot from the tradesmen that I worked with.If anyone would liked to contact me please do, so.

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