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Pancake place.

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I have a yearning for pancakes. If I tried to make them I would no doubt burn my kitchen down.


Is there somewhere in the City Centre that serves pancakes? (I think there might be somewhere on Orchard Square according to Google, but cannot recall ever actually seeing it so am not sure if it has closed or if I'm just going blind in my old age).


Many thanks.

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There used to be a fantastic little pancake place called Double Dutch in Orchard Square (in that little arcade-thing just next to TK Maxx) - wonderful extensive menu of sweet and savoury pancakes, but to my utter devastation it closed down approx a year ago :( I have never found anywhere else for pancakes in Sheffield, please let me know if you do! (Little Chef don't count...)

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  • 4 months later...

I wondered what happened to Double Dutch. I was here about 4 1/2 years ago doing my MSc(ENG) degree and I came back this year and wondered down that way on a Sat. morning and I was shocked to see a news stand where I used to go almost every Sat. for a good breakfast. Now if I want anything similar I'd have to make them myself (I can cook, but I hate cooking for myself... especially with a hangover!). So now that I'm back here working on my PhD I've been searching, but alas, to no avail, no place to get pancakes. :(

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