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Hall and pickles anyone.


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  • 2 months later...
I did work at iml for 10 yrs I'm Hazel I'm still in touch with Lynne we still go out together with our husbands some of the people you mentioned have passed away, Carole Reilly about 2yrs ago and kevin Malkin when he was in his early 20s


Oh my god im so sorry to hear that.

Do you remember Mick with the mustache wasn't he Kevins Brother in law. Not sure but i think Micks wifes name was Elaine, (Kevin's sister)

I baby sat for them once when they lived near Emmerson Crescent.


Anyone else remember the Blackpool Trip around 1980 ish. We ended up in a sort of underground Beer Keller, after walking round for ages.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Hi all,


My uncle, Biran Cooper worked there in the 1960s-70s. He won several awards for his gauge and tool man ship work. Just wondering if anybody has any contacts for the management of the organisation, or would be aware of where these awards went? It would be great to re-unite him with the awards.


Many thanks in advance.

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  • 3 months later...

I worked with some great lads.

Jon and Tony Egley,Albert Charlesworth,Steve Glossop,Roy Cooper,Keith Eccles,Mick French,Ticker,Jeff Driver,Les Dinsdale and my old mate Jim Lambert (lovely bloke).

We had a reunion some years ago and it was great to see some familiar and friendly faces.

About time we had another one.

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I remember Mick (Michael) French. We were acquaintances in the mid 1960's. It must be around thirty years or so since I last spoke to him. Perhaps he, like me, is now retired. It all seems so very long ago. I was Keith Eccles' postman when he lived in Townend Road, Ecclesfield.

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I have a load of great memories working at H&P.

Some of the stuff would have beaten ''The Full Monty''.

Like the time we were on the nightshift.We were on our break,so we decided to have a game of football.During the game one of the lads booted the ball over our heads and went straight through Blankeys office window.Being grown blokes we did the honourable thing and legged it.

Next evening he had us in the office and told me and a couple of the others that we were dropped from the works football team for the saturday match.


One sunday morning we were supposed to be working.

Obviously boredom set in.So to liven things up Dean Edwards,Pete Cricher and me decided to become Scientists.We started messing about with the gas and oxygen bottles.We added abit gas and oxygen into an empty crisp packet and then ignited it.Not much of a bang,so we carried on experimenting.

The last and nearly fatal time when did it was when we over did it with the oxygen.With the crisp packet full of the varied gasses we lit it and waited.Such was the bang,i couldnt hear anything for a god 10 minutes.

I returned to my machine rather sheepishly where the rest of the blokes in the specials dept were asking me where id been because theyd also heard the bang outside.I told them id been to the toilet and been chatting to someone in the standards dept.I,to this day still dont think they believed me.

Couldnt wait for 12 o clock to get out.

How the hell we got away with alot of the stuff that went on without being sacked is beyond me

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