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Help please! Thread snapped


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Sorry to be a nuisance but I seem to have forgotten how to reach the forum bosses. Monday evening 23 March, I was in the process of writing a thread in History & Ex-pats but had to leave it because my Carers arrived to hoist me into bed.Came back to it this morning, 10.15 a.m. when by my error Safari collapsed and the Thread obviously went with it.


Got Safari and the Forum up and running again, but no signs of the half-written, quite long thread about a large family named Clay who had lived in Nidd Road during the early 1930s.


Is there any way in which I can find it again?


Could not contact anyone to ask because I cannot understand the Help and Contact process, so I would also be olbliged if someone could talk or write me through that too! Three or four years ago these things would not have been a problem, but today? … I’m growing old and showing it!

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If you hadn't actually hit the (submit thread) button, then the forum will not know anything about your post I'm afraid.


Pressing that button sends the text you have typed to the site, so if not pressed before the browser crash the forum will know nothing about it.


Sorry :(

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Similar thing happened to me once Peter, but there's no way to get it back.


These days if I've a long post to compose I do it in Notepad and save it frequently. Then when complete and checked I copy and paste it into the forum compose window. If anything crashes....browser, connection, forum server etc. you have your text file to fall back on.

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Thanks DaFoot and Greybeard — for helping very quickly and knowing all the things I would have known myself a few years ago, if time and hospitalisation hadn’t taken its toll.


Greybeard — I certainly remember you when I was a keen SFer, I think prior to 2006 when mind and body went haywire — but not particularly in that order.


When the hospital discharged me, after telling me there was nothing more they could do for me, and after me telling them I was glad of that fact because when I went in I could walk, in a fashion, but now they were allowing me to go out into the bad old world without leg muscles to support my body!


It was then decision time. I could go home but, being wheelchair-bound, if they got me upstairs (where my office was) that’s where I would have to stay, and similarly if I stayed downstairs I was never going to get upstairs!

It’s a long, laughable story so I’ll cut it short by yelling you I went into an absolutely superb Care Home where I am cared for 24/7+365 — and 366 in Leap Years.


After 12 months of trying to get Broadband, BT told me they would need to replace a cable hidden between ceiling and first floor. £3000 might do thec trick, they said. But if they found any unknown obstacles it could be even more!


Luckily, a group of forummers had been searching for me. I don’t think they went as far as cemeteries, but anyway I was re-discovered by a working journalist and SF member which in turn led to me finally receiving Broadband without having to pay any service providers! The might of British Telecommunications had been beaten by a mere journalist! Hoorah for that!


Anyway, thanks again to the both o you for your time and efforts. Much appreciated.

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