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Slipper baths

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anyone had a bath in the slipper baths at hillsborough gritty bottoms due to the lavish use of vim


Not at hillsbrough,had ours at Heeley baths,we had no bath room at home when i was a kid.

Ooo so long ago now,the memories

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My goodness, the gritty bottom brings back memories.... In c. 1972 I abandoned the zinc bath in front of the kitchen fire (water heated in the "copper" and ladled into the bath to join the soap, loofah and rubber duck) and started going to the slipper baths at Hillsborough. Plenty of hot water (and you could have more if you rang the bell) in the king-sized bath with its wooden bath sides, in the cubicle with wooden duck-board and crazed white "chip shop" tiles on the walls. The slipper bath section was to the left as you went in, and for another few coppers they would supply a towel and soap. Finally in 1978 we moved 20 yards (to the "posh" side of Dykes Hall Road) where we had a real, genuine bathroom and indoor loo. What luxury..:)

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Yes I remember the Hillsbro slipper baths, blimey them owd lasses that worked there musta thought we were made ata asbestos, that t'ot watter were like steam, I allus felt like the meek Al Reid character when I rang the bell and got a reply "yes number 8!" can I have some more cow'd please? "why din't tha ask for some more cow'd in first place" then the cow'd watter would come rushin' through, that's enough thank you. Then just as tha got nice and relaxed there'd be a bang on t'dooer "come on number 8 wiv gorra queue on shak thisen!" rightho comin'.

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Had plenty at the corporation street baths.Got a right rollocking if you were too long or left the bath dirty.


We lived over the shop at 122 Holme Lane which was a woolshop run by mum, we had left a new semi in Dronfield and I was (at 14) in a state of shock at the lack of a bathroom and having to go across the yard to a grotty old outdoor loo Horrors!!! this wasn't that long ago either ---well the 60's anyroad, so off we would go me and my sister, who loved it, being four years younger than me, had no sense of shame she didn't, in retrospect, it was a darn sight better than the tin bath!!!

As the saying goes 'Up to your neck in hot water'

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Ooer! bet you've never been there--- ?


My Mam took me to Heeley Slipper baths when I was a kid, but I preferred bathnight at home in front of the fire. I think that Friday was bathnight, but I may be wrong.


Monday was always clothes washing day.

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