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Hot Pants now only once a month

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Have you heard that Hot Pants, the Saturday night disco at the Sheffield City Hall Ballroom is now only once a month.


The Leadmill, who run Hot Pants @ The City Hall, have decided to only have Hot Pants on the last Saturday of the month.


Had anyone else heard this? They have now confirmed dates of when Hot Pants will be, on Leadmill's website.


I wonder what effect this will have on Hot Pants?


I'm disappointed that it is now only once a month, I thought it was very popular. I wonder what the reasoning is behind this, anyone know any more information.



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Hot Pants is held at the Sheffield City Hall in the Ballroom.


The play 70s, 80s and 90s. The main room is 70s and then a room off that has 80s and 90s.


It used to be every Saturday night.


It is run by the Leadmill.


More info go to Leadmill website, click on club nights and scroll down to Saturday.

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No for a while it's been nearly every week, since it returned to the city hall from it's hiatus at Town and country.


It's had its day tbh. Sad but true as I've had some ace nights there in the past. It needs to close its doors gracefully and come back in a few years - repackaged when people miss it again. Last time i went in January, it was far too empty and felt like the school disco when everyone has gone home and the last few are just hanging around.


EDIT: I mean roundhouse not Town and Country.

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No for a while it's been nearly every week, since it returned to the city hall from it's hiatus at Town and country.


It's had its day tbh. Sad but true as I've had some ace nights there in the past. It needs to close its doors gracefully and come back in a few years - repackaged when people miss it again. Last time i went in January, it was far too empty and felt like the school disco when everyone has gone home and the last few are just hanging around.


Sadly I agree Last time I was there it was really quiet.


Had some amazing nights in there over the past 20 years or so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hotpants has been held at various places over the years.I think it's been going now for about 16 years.I've been to it at the Leadmill, the old Poly's Nelson Mandella building and the City Hall.It did always used to be the last Sat of each month but it became so successful that they made it every Saturday.

Maybe now that it is less frequent it will become better attended again for the nights that it is on.Hope it continues as I've had some brilliant nights there over the years and Hot Pants to me is a Sheffield institution.

I think that it filled a void when the Leadmill IMO went down hill after it passed out of council control in the mid 1990's.

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