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Wig and Pen


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Real ale that smells or tastes like vinegar is basically off, normally it's simply a case of it didn't sell quick enough and is past its use by date and has oxidised. If you get a beer like that you should take it back and make them change it for something else. They should then withdraw that cask from sale.


Yes I always do that, sometimes places are not very happy doing it, but proper pubs change it no problem. But when it keeps happening in the same place you stop going there.

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We went to the Wig and Pen about 6 months ago, it was my third time there and our food was of mixed quality. Mine was lovely (and has been every single time I've been there), but my boyfriend's was a bit bland, which was disappointing as they had allegedly cooked it especially for him having phoned beforehand to see if they could do vegan food. However, their puddings are exceptional.

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Seems to have nose dived recently. Was meeting a friend there the other week for a coffee and it was not even open - says it opens at 11am! Went in later on and could not get served for love or money. Was busy at the bar, not suprisingly though as only one person serving (he was doing well though in the circumstances). Still love the ale range so will perservere.

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  • 1 month later...

I ate there a couple of weeks ago and had been looking forward to it as it was lovely the only other time I've eaten there (before the refurb). While the food we dd have was very nice (venison for me, steak for my fiance) it was slightly marred by the fact that 1) at least 1 option for every course wasn't available (leaving us with very limited choices especially for starters!) and 2) the waiter (and there did seem to be only 1) was constantly running between tables making it almost impossible to get his attention.


Having said all of that - venison isn't something I usually get to eat, it was a lovely change and I really enjoyed it. So the experience wasn't all bad. Lucky though that neither myself or the OH are picky eaters or we might have struggled!

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Anything good about the food yet then? I've been in the bar the odd time and enjoyed one or two drink, nice atmosphere. Always thought when I saw menu that I'll try it one day. Not worth the trouble then by the sounds of it....?

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Anything good about the food yet then? I've been in the bar the odd time and enjoyed one or two drink, nice atmosphere. Always thought when I saw menu that I'll try it one day. Not worth the trouble then by the sounds of it....?


Food and waiter service was absolutely brilliant when we went a few weeks ago - couldn't fault it to be honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know why people moan about food in bars ... a bar is a bar or a pub basically ... it is NOT a restaurant however much they dress it up or pretend it to be - if they advertise good as well as beer thats a bonus but really its just an addo n to entice people in ito drink more beer .. whether its weatherspoons cheap meals or the expensive wig & pen tapas I dont moean about any of it - it may be good it may be crap - if you want to eat proper food go to a restaurant NOT a bar or pub ! End of rant !

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