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Mould in my flat for over 2 years

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im trying to get compensation for loss of belongings which already totals upto £2,500


What do you keep in a damp bathroom that cost that amount?


The OP said the damp had spread to the bedroom and the living room...I'm sure there's plenty of things in those two rooms that would add up to a fair bit of money.


To the OP, if the situation is really that bad and your housing association hasn't resolved the problem you need to get up on your high horse a bit. Don't be content with inspectors etc. Speak to someone in charge (not a manager, a director), write a formal letter of complaint, get a letter from your doctor, seek advice through the CAB, completely get on their case. Threaten to go to The Star (this usually gets something done and the star is always willing to run stories on bad things about housing). In my experience the housing association will do anything to prevent bad press. Become a screamer, someone they 'need to go away' and the only way that will happen is if they sort it.


I'm not sure the housing association will compensate you for loss of goods. They may ask you to claim on your house contents insurance (assuming you have this), but if the damage is caused by their negligence, then you probably have a case.

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Did they confirm that the mould problem is a result of something actually being wrong with the property? As others have said, a lot of the time mould is caused by a build up of moisture due to lack of ventilation, so when it's cold outside and you have the heating on moisture will build up. Even in winter the best way to avoid mould building up is to open the windows a crack, (and wipe them down if need be) especially after a shower or when cooking. I appreciate it's cold and you won't really want to be doing this, i live in a property with wooden framed single glazed windows meaning we need to have them open quite a bit in order to prevent mould.

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all that isnt from my bathroom its from my bedroom and livingroom that it has spread too! its destroyed 3 carpets wardrobes curtains etc. my housing assosciation should have sorted it 2 years ago!


What about all the advice given on here about it being condensation. Have you tried ventilation, mopping up or a humidifier? I can't imagine your landlord leaving it two years if it is something they are responsible for. If its a problem in a block of flats, it might be worth finding out if your neighbours also suffer from the same levels of damp? And if they do, have any of them had it sorted out by the housing ass'n?

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hi thanks for that reply. i have gone futher... and because of me complaining that nothing has been for 2 years, 2 people from the company have now been sacked but the manager in charge of this case has not looked any further into it and has gone off on holiday for a week. she is doing nothing to help me sort it, at the start i did threaten her with the star and she was all there begging me not to do so, so i gave her the benefit of doubt but she has failed.


like i say i have gone further im now involved with a company called, 'supporting families' they say they can help me with this.


i have been told by inspectors it is lack of ventilation, but what can i do? i keep my windows open as much as possible! the little vents at the top are open 24/7 and i have got a dehumidifier that is emptied 3 times+ a day! its costing me a bomb in gas bills, im cleaning it down constant with bleach, im at a loss as what to do im struggling to move anywere else and i cant decorate! they are doing the bathroom and kitchen in june i thought about decorating then but with the mould not going away i dont know what to do? i cant have any furniture against the walls as it grows on them! its so damn frustrating and yet if they had just sorted it 2 years ago like they should have i wouldnt be in this situation now!


oh and last week i found out that our local office (acisgroup) for tenants has just totally gone without a word of warning, no letters no notice on the door just gone (alison crescent, lower manor) the acis group are totally crap!


i have asked my neighbour who is also ground floor (there are 4 flats altogether 2 up and 2 down) if he has mould and he said yes it smells fusty, but he hasnt complained he isnt botherd as he only sleeps there at night. this flat needs burning to the ground!


and i dont have house insurance.


my next step is to go to the star, and write that letter to the company director i have wrote one to the manager in charge of the case already, but like i said she is doing nothing about it!

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they have left it for 2 years, yes my neighbour has it but he hasnt complained as he only sleeps there so he isnt very botherd. i have a dehumidifier, i clean it with bleach and mop the floors every morning as now have no carpets. i will be taking it much further!

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i have been told that it is due to lack of ventilation, but i do have my windows open as much as possible and the vents at the top are open 24/7. i also have a dehumidifier that is emptied 3 times+ a day, im really at a loss as what to do i cant have anything in my flat really without it getting wet or having mould grow on it.


i bought a new book just the other week read the first chapter left it at the side of my bed woke up to find it wet and ruined i had to dry out the book and put it away, to read some other time but when that will be i dont know!?

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