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Mould in my flat for over 2 years

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i have been trying to move but i cant just up and leave, iv been told to bid and thats what i have been doing for the last 2 years! plus im not just going to move any were, this is also a bad area and i dont want to go from 1 bad area to another! its catch 22 if they can just sort out the mould i can stay here and decorate in june like we want too, if i could afford it then i would sort it my self but i cant and it says in my tenancy agreement that they are liable for all repairs!


Keep cleaning and ventilating then. Do your best to keep the flat dry. Dehumidifiers will help, whilst the weather is nice have the windows open all night (and day if you are at home). Just try and keep on top of it. Vacuum daily to stop carpets growing mould spores vacuum your furniture as well. Wipe all surfaces over with a bleach solution or tea tree oil solution.

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Keep cleaning and ventilating then. Do your best to keep the flat dry. Dehumidifiers will help, whilst the weather is nice have the windows open all night (and day if you are at home). Just try and keep on top of it. Vacuum daily to stop carpets growing mould spores vacuum your furniture as well. Wipe all surfaces over with a bleach solution or tea tree oil solution.

we have been/are doing! i have a dehumidifier but cant afford to have it on 24/7 we are cleaning it/hoovering constant its slightly under control but only while its warm weather im dreading if we decorate in june that come winter got the same problem again, i cant afford to have the windows open constant and have the heating on full blast, i just wish there was no mould or i could move to a nice area n have a nice flat!

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we have been/are doing! i have a dehumidifier but cant afford to have it on 24/7 we are cleaning it/hoovering constant its slightly under control but only while its warm weather im dreading if we decorate in june that come winter got the same problem again, i cant afford to have the windows open constant and have the heating on full blast, i just wish there was no mould or i could move to a nice area n have a nice flat!



Doesnt everybody but we cant always have what we want, sometimes you just have to make the most of what you have got.


The weather is warmer now so having the windows open shouldnt be a problem. A fresh supply of air circulating will help keep the damp and mould at bay.

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we have been/are doing! i have a dehumidifier but cant afford to have it on 24/7 we are cleaning it/hoovering constant its slightly under control but only while its warm weather im dreading if we decorate in june that come winter got the same problem again, i cant afford to have the windows open constant and have the heating on full blast, i just wish there was no mould or i could move to a nice area n have a nice flat!


Hazel666 I really do feel for you and your constant battle against mould. My daughter who lives in a housing association flat in Stafford also suffers the same thing and all they can offer is keep the windows open, get a dehumidifier and keep the heating on full - all this on benefits - yeh! she can barely afford to live never mind top wack to try and keep herself warm (especially in winter) with storage heaters and sky highelectric. So she certainly can't afford to let any heat that the heaters do throw out go straight through the window. She doesn't have any windows in her shower room just a fan that has now broken having only been put in less than two months ago and is now waiting yet again for another fan to be fitted!


She has just had someone come round and paint her walls with some mould prevention stuff but he did say that the mould would come back.


Like you Hazel666 she also has had stuff ruined with the mould.


So it seems like it isn't just Sheffield flats belonging to housing associations that suffer with constant damp - I wonder if all housing associations feel that it is reasonable for their tenants to live in such accommodation?


To all you others who are very glib with your comments about the mould I suspect that none of you have had to suffer with constant mould and the smell and awfulness that you feel when your walls are black with mould and you are trying your very best to keep it at bay constantly cleaning it down with bleach. Its awful really. My daughter's flat always feels cold and clammy even with having the heating on. If she has the vents open she is constantly cold.


What I can't understand is why does this mould seem to only happen in flats, you never seem to hear of it that much in houses. I live in a bungalow and we don't have any mould growing in any of our rooms and I don't have to keep my windows open or have a dehumidifier so why do people who live in flats have to do this? I find it extremely baffling?

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Hazel666 I really do feel for you and your constant battle against mould. My daughter who lives in a housing association flat in Stafford also suffers the same thing and all they can offer is keep the windows open, get a dehumidifier and keep the heating on full - all this on benefits - yeh! she can barely afford to live never mind top wack to try and keep herself warm (especially in winter) with storage heaters and sky highelectric. So she certainly can't afford to let any heat that the heaters do throw out go straight through the window. She doesn't have any windows in her shower room just a fan that has now broken having only been put in less than two months ago and is now waiting yet again for another fan to be fitted!


She has just had someone come round and paint her walls with some mould prevention stuff but he did say that the mould would come back.


Like you Hazel666 she also has had stuff ruined with the mould.


So it seems like it isn't just Sheffield flats belonging to housing associations that suffer with constant damp - I wonder if all housing associations feel that it is reasonable for their tenants to live in such accommodation?


To all you others who are very glib with your comments about the mould I suspect that none of you have had to suffer with constant mould and the smell and awfulness that you feel when your walls are black with mould and you are trying your very best to keep it at bay constantly cleaning it down with bleach. Its awful really. My daughter's flat always feels cold and clammy even with having the heating on. If she has the vents open she is constantly cold.


What I can't understand is why does this mould seem to only happen in flats, you never seem to hear of it that much in houses. I live in a bungalow and we don't have any mould growing in any of our rooms and I don't have to keep my windows open or have a dehumidifier so why do people who live in flats have to do this? I find it extremely baffling?


So her landlord has told her to ventilate and she ignores it and then complains when the mould comes back.


I give in.


Mould will only grow in optimum conditions a fresh supply of air will stop the problem. Heating a home properly also helps to avoid the situation. It is really very simple.

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Hazel666 I really do feel for you and your constant battle against mould. My daughter who lives in a housing association flat in Stafford also suffers the same thing and all they can offer is keep the windows open, get a dehumidifier and keep the heating on full - all this on benefits - yeh! she can barely afford to live never mind top wack to try and keep herself warm (especially in winter) with storage heaters and sky highelectric. So she certainly can't afford to let any heat that the heaters do throw out go straight through the window. She doesn't have any windows in her shower room just a fan that has now broken having only been put in less than two months ago and is now waiting yet again for another fan to be fitted!


She has just had someone come round and paint her walls with some mould prevention stuff but he did say that the mould would come back.


Like you Hazel666 she also has had stuff ruined with the mould.


So it seems like it isn't just Sheffield flats belonging to housing associations that suffer with constant damp - I wonder if all housing associations feel that it is reasonable for their tenants to live in such accommodation?


To all you others who are very glib with your comments about the mould I suspect that none of you have had to suffer with constant mould and the smell and awfulness that you feel when your walls are black with mould and you are trying your very best to keep it at bay constantly cleaning it down with bleach. Its awful really. My daughter's flat always feels cold and clammy even with having the heating on. If she has the vents open she is constantly cold.


What I can't understand is why does this mould seem to only happen in flats, you never seem to hear of it that much in houses. I live in a bungalow and we don't have any mould growing in any of our rooms and I don't have to keep my windows open or have a dehumidifier so why do people who live in flats have to do this? I find it extremely baffling?

Hi thanks for your message, sorry to hear about your daughters flat.


I am the same i cant afford to sort it my self, i darnt bill them for it incase they dont pay up, im also on benefits and im studying so i cant afford to have the heating just blowing out the windows!


I was given a dehumidifier but that cost too much too run 27/7 and i dont want to be buying expensive mould paint resistant stuff. I know it doesnt last, cause thats what is all over my bathroom walls round the edges, the council put it there befor i moved in clever sods! The stuff is like gloss you cant cover over it unless you do the entire wall or gloss the wall and it only last so many months.


We really wanted to redecorate in june after they fit new kitchen and bathroom, but with this i doubt we can :(


My home is also damp and clammy and your right the smell is outstanding! I wake up in a morning feeling wet, my clothes in wardrobe are damp as is my bed its horrible, but what more can we do!? My vents are open 24/7 and i keep my windows open as much as possible, but i cant sit home all time with windows open and i cant leave them open cause there no locks (They dont put locks on ground floor flats, only top floors incase people fall out) Never mind that im suffering with mould and i told them this but still wont give me locks.


We have a fan in the kitchen thats broke also one in bathroom that too is broke, they wont replace them cause there doing the kitchen and bathroom in june, i think they think once they redone kitchen and bathroom put in new fans that the mould will just disappear but i doubt that very much.


Its a joke what we've had to put up with for over 2 years!


They claim not to be able to move me aswell, i know why cause im paying rent here they know they will have to sort it. I dont want to be living like this for the rest of my life, i would go private if i could afford it!


I have someone helping me from a company called 'supporting families' but they too are getting no were, they have written a letter to the manager at AcisGroup and he has left 4 message's for her to ring back but nothing has been done.


Im just running out of idea's...


Someone please help!!!

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So her landlord has told her to ventilate and she ignores it and then complains when the mould comes back.


I give in.


Mould will only grow in optimum conditions a fresh supply of air will stop the problem. Heating a home properly also helps to avoid the situation. It is really very simple.

Have i ignored my landlord... No!


Has the mould gone... No!


Can i afford to have the mould removed myself... No!


Can i afford to have heat disappear out the windows everday (even in winter)... No!


Am i trying my very best to keep it at bay and not destroy anymore things... Yes!


Have i been promised by my housing association that it will be sorted out... Yes!


Now you tell me enstein what on earth i should, as your so sure that its that simple to get rid of!? 2 years iv had this, and i have cleaned it several times kept windows/vents open!



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Have i ignored my landlord... No!


Has the mould gone... No!


Can i afford to have the mould removed myself... No!


Can i afford to have heat disappear out the windows everday (even in winter)... No!


Am i trying my very best to keep it at bay and not destroy anymore things... Yes!


Have i been promised by my housing association that it will be sorted out... Yes!


Now you tell me enstein what on earth i should, as your so sure that its that simple to get rid of!? 2 years iv had this, and i have cleaned it several times kept windows/vents open!




I think what you should do is go back and read WHO i was replying to. Then you may realise it wasnt you:loopy:

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I think what you should do is go back and read WHO i was replying to. Then you may realise it wasnt you:loopy:

It applies to us both if you think about it, were both in the same situation and your making it sound so easy to get rid of, when it isnt!!!

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