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Mould in my flat for over 2 years

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I think with your attitude it is clear where the problem lies.

Yes ok because im angry at phylis for constantly making out its my fault and that its easy to sort out, thats why i have mould in my flat hahahaha what a load of rubbish! Im angry and bitter because of this mould that iv had to deal with for over 2 years! And people like you and phylis have no idea!!!

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Yes ok because im angry at phylis for constantly making out its my fault and that its easy to sort out, thats why i have mould in my flat hahahaha what a load of rubbish! Im angry and bitter because of this mould that iv had to deal with for over 2 years! And people like you and phylis have no idea!!!


No, i suppose our lives are all fine and dandy and you are the only person in the world who has a problem. Grow up. The sooner you realise that bleeting on here will do nothing to solve your problem the better. You go on about how it isnt your fault, what have you done to make your situation better. Well from where i am sat all you appear to have done is ignore the advise of your landlord, ignore the advise given by professionals and ignore the advise of people who were interested in helping you out.

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No, i suppose our lives are all fine and dandy and you are the only person in the world who has a problem. Grow up. The sooner you realise that bleeting on here will do nothing to solve your problem the better. You go on about how it isnt your fault, what have you done to make your situation better. Well from where i am sat all you appear to have done is ignore the advise of your landlord, ignore the advise given by professionals and ignore the advise of people who were interested in helping you out.

Yes phylis ok, i've just sat around for 2 years not done a thing, ignored my landlord and professionals. Oh and just sat on sheffield forums complaining... You need to get a grip as if i've done thoughs things for god sake! And did i say your lives were so perfect no. And anyway im not talking about others, im talking about YOU making out, i've now not done a thing, aswell as that its so easy to get rid of, i think its you that needs to grow up!


Now back the f**k off yeh cause for 2 years i've had to live with this and iv lost a hell of alot of things because of it. Everyday i clean my walls and floors, and my vents are open 24/7 and my windows are kept open when im at home and most of the night!!!


I've had 3 inspectors out now saying 3 different things not one of them has come back to sort it, just me keeping the heating on and opening the windows wont solve it. Why dont you get that!?


My landlord know's there in the wrong, i have a meeting with her next tuesday. No doubt still be in square one, but hey its all my fault aint it... Get real!!!

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Yes phylis ok, i've just sat around for 2 years not done a thing, ignored my landlord and professionals. Oh and just sat on sheffield forums complaining... You need to get a grip as if i've done thoughs things for god sake! And did i say your lives were so perfect no. And anyway im not talking about others, im talking about YOU making out, i've now not done a thing, aswell as that its so easy to get rid of, i think its you that needs to grow up!


Now back the f**k off yeh cause for 2 years i've had to live with this and iv lost a hell of alot of things because of it. Everyday i clean my walls and floors, and my vents are open 24/7 and my windows are kept open when im at home and most of the night!!!


I've had 3 inspectors out now saying 3 different things not one of them has come back to sort it, just me keeping the heating on and opening the windows wont solve it. Why dont you get that!?


My landlord know's there in the wrong, i have a meeting with her next tuesday. No doubt still be in square one, but hey its all my fault aint it... Get real!!!


And do you think speaking to them like you speak to people on here will make them want to help you? Why should they if all they get is a torrent of abuse. If you ignore their advice they will point the finger of blame at you. Not wanting to put your heating on or use the dehumidifier isnt a good enough excuse. If that is what they say you should do then what is what you will have to do. The other side here is if they see that you have not been looking after THEIR property you could be liable for damages (ie the mould).

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And do you think speaking to them like you speak to people on here will make them want to help you? Why should they if all they get is a torrent of abuse. If you ignore their advice they will point the finger of blame at you. Not wanting to put your heating on or use the dehumidifier isnt a good enough excuse. If that is what they say you should do then what is what you will have to do. The other side here is if they see that you have not been looking after THEIR property you could be liable for damages (ie the mould).

Yes because i speak to them like that... People are so daft! And who on earth said i dont put on my heating?? What you think i just sit with my windows open with no heating on freezing... I dont think so!


And who said i dont use my dehumidifier?? I just said it cost too much to run 24/7 so i keep it on as much as possible!


And i aint getting blamed for s**t! Its the housing associations fault, for not surveying there flats properly!


Also funny how 16 other cases have come up in the last 3 month all with AcisGroup!!! You trying to tell me its all there fault aswell... I doubt that very much!


AcisGroup only do Lower Manor and Woodthorpe in Sheffield so 16 flats is alot for one association, and i bet there are plenty more to come aswell!


So dont say its my attitude because thats a lame excuse!

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Yes because i speak to them like that... People are so daft! And who on earth said i dont put on my heating?? What you think i just sit with my windows open with no heating on freezing... I dont think so!


And who said i dont use my dehumidifier?? I just said it cost too much to run 24/7 so i keep it on as much as possible!


And i aint getting blamed for s**t! Its the housing associations fault, for not surveying there flats properly!


Also funny how 16 other cases have come up in the last 3 month all with AcisGroup!!! You trying to tell me its all there fault aswell... I doubt that very much!


AcisGroup only do Lower Manor and Woodthorpe in Sheffield so 16 flats is alot for one association, and i bet there are plenty more to come aswell!


So dont say its my attitude because thats a lame excuse!


Sorry to pee on your bonfire dear but there are more than 16 flats in Lower Manor and Woodthorpe.


As you have stated yourself there was no mould problem for over a year after you moved in. From this you can deduce that there was no problem when you moved in. If there had been the mould would have shown up far before the one year threshold you describe. Given the perfect conditions mould will appear within 24 hours.


I am sure that your landlord will also be well aware of these facts.


I am afraid you will just have to learn how to properly ventilate and dry out your property.


And for the record i work for a firm of consultants who work for the council. I see a lot of council and private properties that claim to have damp/mould issues only for the proplem to be inadequate ventilation. So i do know what i am talking about. Maybe you should start to listen to people who know what they are saying unstead of believeing that you know best.

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Sorry to pee on your bonfire dear but there are more than 16 flats in Lower Manor and Woodthorpe.


As you have stated yourself there was no mould problem for over a year after you moved in. From this you can deduce that there was no problem when you moved in. If there had been the mould would have shown up far before the one year threshold you describe. Given the perfect conditions mould will appear within 24 hours.


I am sure that your landlord will also be well aware of these facts.


I am afraid you will just have to learn how to properly ventilate and dry out your property.


And for the record i work for a firm of consultants who work for the council. I see a lot of council and private properties that claim to have damp/mould issues only for the proplem to be inadequate ventilation. So i do know what i am talking about. Maybe you should start to listen to people who know what they are saying unstead of believeing that you know best.

Yes there are plenty more flats in these areas, but not that many alot are bungalows and houses. The Lower Manor and Woodthorpe area are only small areas, so i believe 16 cases reported so far to be an issue.


And the mould was here when i first moved in, as there is mould resistant paint all over my bathroom walls.


The mould appeared through that after about 8 months, i only complained after 12 months when realising what it was growing on my walls. I have been told by proffessionals that mould resistant paint does last for a min of 6 months upto 12 months.


I do know what im talking about too, like i said iv had out 3 different professionals all claiming its one thing or another, but all did say that the paint only last that long.


They should have built the property and surveyed it properly, and someone should have told me about the mould issue befor i moved in!


Just back off me, im trying my best all i want is to live normal, i know enough people that dont have this problem so why on earth should i be blamed, when i know it isnt my fault, im trying to get rid of it!

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Yes there are plenty more flats in these areas, but not that many alot are bungalows and houses. The Lower Manor and Woodthorpe area are only small areas, so i believe 16 cases reported so far to be an issue.


And the mould was here when i first moved in, as there is mould resistant paint all over my bathroom walls.


The mould appeared through that after about 8 months, i only complained after 12 months when realising what it was growing on my walls. I have been told by proffessionals that mould resistant paint does last for a min of 6 months upto 12 months.


I do know what im talking about too, like i said iv had out 3 different professionals all claiming its one thing or another, but all did say that the paint only last that long.


They should have built the property and surveyed it properly, and someone should have told me about the mould issue befor i moved in!


Just back off me, im trying my best all i want is to live normal, i know enough people that dont have this problem so why on earth should i be blamed, when i know it isnt my fault, im trying to get rid of it!


The majority of people dont have this problem does that not give you a clue?


Maybe you should get some mould resistant paint if this seems to work. Im sorry but spending some money on some paint and getting it on the walls is a far more sensible option than expecting your landlord to do everything.


Or you could always try and find another flat privately if your landlord wont rehouse you. Then you can join the real world and see that it isnt easy and you dont always get what you want.


Edited to add: You insist you are trying to solve the problem. How are you doing this and what methods are you suing?

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The majority of people dont have this problem does that not give you a clue?


Maybe you should get some mould resistant paint if this seems to work. Im sorry but spending some money on some paint and getting it on the walls is a far more sensible option than expecting your landlord to do everything.


Or you could always try and find another flat privately if your landlord wont rehouse you. Then you can join the real world and see that it isnt easy and you dont always get what you want.


Edited to add: You insist you are trying to solve the problem. How are you doing this and what methods are you suing?

Im in the real world and i see that life aint easy! I aint no dumb kid!


And if i could afford to go private then i would! Im currently on benefits and studying.


And i cant afford to be buying mould resistant paint every few months.


There doing the kitchen and bathroom in june, we wanted to decorate after that, but do you think im gonna do it all up nice to have to go over it again with mould resistant paint sevral months later, no. And that aint fare!


Say, think what you like.... I dont care anymore!

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You say that you are not a dumb kid yet you act like one. Expect everybody else to offer advice and then throw it aside with silly excuses. Welcome to the real world deary. Why not go and get a job, that way you are not sat in a mouldy house all day and then when you get paid you can get some paint to keep the mould at bay. If they are doing the kitchen and bathroom in June they will decorate these rooms for you. Where is your problem?


And on the subject of fair. Do you think it fair to complain about your flat when there are families out there who are in desperate need of housing who would glady take that flat? I dont. If you dont like it give it to someone who will.

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