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is it like a liquidy yoghurt dip? green coloured with green flecks in it?

if its what i think it is its a very simple dip thats pretty easy to make, in urdu its called chutney!


only ingredients are fresh coriander leaves, fresh mint leaves/mint sauce if you wanna cheat, green chillies, natural yoghurt (not the greek stuff) and a pinch of salt.


two ways to make it:

1) put the whole green chillies (tops cut off), coriander leaves, mint leaves in a pestle and mortar, and bash until you have a very well mixed paste. there shouldnt be any big bits of any of the ingredients left and you want all the chilli seeds well mushed up!

then just stir the paste into the fresh yoghurt and add a pinch of salt to taste.


2) put the chillies and fresh coriander into a pestle and mortar and bash as above, stir into yoghurt, stir in mint sauce (not a lot tho), add salt to taste.


you can use a blender to mush everything up but try not to liquify it as you need a paste.


three medium sized chillies, a handful of coriander leaves (no stems) and a half handful of mint leaves will make enough for a one meal dip. if you make too much or its too strong just add more yoghurt.


hope thats what you mean? its only thing that sounds familiar, and i have to admit i have never seen it being served in any indian restaurants even though its a very common dip eaten in most indian/pakistani cooking.


edit: just seen how long ago original post was, oh well! :)

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  • 6 months later...
Does anyone know what the yummy hot green sauce/pickle that comes with the pickle tray and poppadoms at akbars is called or what ingredients are in it? I love it and would love to either buy some or make my my own. Thanks in advance.


we went last night and the food was awesome,i belive the green stuff on the pickle tray was made with corriander :)

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