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Cheap ale wanted


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Well, I like the Dove, even if no one else here seems to!


Has been a while since I ventured down though as I live at the opposite end of town. Haven't actually been in there since the Old Rosie made me violently sick. But then it has made a lot of people I know sick as well. Don't know what it is with that stuff!


But the Dove has always been nice and welcoming,

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Well, I like the Dove, even if no one else here seems to!


Has been a while since I ventured down though as I live at the opposite end of town. Haven't actually been in there since the Old Rosie made me violently sick. But then it has made a lot of people I know sick as well. Don't know what it is with that stuff!


But the Dove has always been nice and welcoming,


your comments most welcome.....OLD ROSIE is a very powerful cider, it has taken many of our customers by surprise....it has an effect like a ton of bricks falling on your head from a 12 storey building site......an acquired taste for hardcore and well seasoned drinkers only I find.......if you want to for...for...for....forget...drink Old...Rosie..:loopy: I personally can only drink 2 and 1/2 pints of it and then everything goes very dusky and starts glowing...

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by another less than respectable very large coloured gentlemen


it's 2009 mate, using the word "coloured" to describe somebody who is black or mixed race stopped being acceptable at least 15 years ago if not more.

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No one looks forward to going to a with-a-spoon pub. It's just a meet up place where you have one and move onto a more quality establishment once your group is complete.


It has a purpose and serves it, however I wouldn't really wanna spend a whole evening / night in a withagoons pub. The percentage of wieners to real people is far to heavy and the law of averages state if you spend more than an hour in there, yer gonna get summat brought to yer doorstep that you didn't want or invite.

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Flipping heck - is this bash Goldenfleece time? He owns a quality little niche pub - it's not to everyone's taste, but those who like that sort of thing will like it a lot. I'd rather pay a little extra for a pint if it meant drinking something interesting and not sitting next to some low-life. Sometimes you need to pay a little extra to get what you really want.


I'd never set foot in the Bankers Draft - I'm sure some of the people in there are perfectly pleasant. In fact, I'm sure the majority of them are. And fair play to Wetherspoons, it does stock a good mix of British beer. But the minority in the likes of the Bankers Draft completely put me off ever going.

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it's 2009 mate, using the word "coloured" to describe somebody who is black or mixed race stopped being acceptable at least 15 years ago if not more.


hmmm.a subject for a separate thread perhaps? You are right though, its a term that was more popular some time ago, although it is not technically politically incorrect to use it today according to the context...

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Flipping heck - is this bash Goldenfleece time? He owns a quality little niche pub - it's not to everyone's taste, but those who like that sort of thing will like it a lot. I'd rather pay a little extra for a pint if it meant drinking something interesting and not sitting next to some low-life. Sometimes you need to pay a little extra to get what you really want.

I'd never set foot in the Bankers Draft - I'm sure some of the people in there are perfectly pleasant. In fact, I'm sure the majority of them are. And fair play to Wetherspoons, it does stock a good mix of British beer. But the minority in the likes of the Bankers Draft completely put me off ever going.


Hey dont worry I am used to being 'bashed' on the forum. God knows I bash others often enough:hihi:


But to make it totally clear about my Bankers comments, these are aimed at a definite and substantial rogue element who drink in there, and not the WHOLE fraternity of its punters.......they do indeed have a good selection of ale sometimes, but being told my throat will be cut for having long hair by one its punters is not the sort of drinking environment I crave for...:)

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