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Did you ever live in Parson Cross? (Part 2)

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Depends, ?


Wow, never knew there were two Fudges.

The one I’m referring to was a couple years older than me, blonde haired, good footballer. Played in that famous Yew Lane team with Bogey Platts, Geoff Careless, Rich Morton, Brian Newell etc. Nice kid!

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chapblade-i dont recall the furneses coach with the fin on it but i have put my link to 3 buses which some of the oldies on here may remember from law brothers



the bus in pic 2 is a tail fin avenger consort,,,does the bus ring any bells mate

Edited by Richard PX5
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chapblade-i dont recall the furneses coach with the fin on it but i have put my link to 3 buses which some of the oldies on here may remember from law brothers



the bus in pic 2 is a tail fin avenger consort,,,does the bus ring any bells mate

the furness bus in question is/was very similar to this, i believe furness' had 2 of them at the time we use to go swimming with school in the 70s
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Potted History of my days on Parson Cross. Born at 92 Doe Royd Cres in 1948 where we were living with my gran (aunt and cousins eventually moved in with her (Keith and Arthur Levick). The same year ’48 we moved to 113 Lindsey Road. A few names I remember from there are Bown, Fletcher (Pauline and Jean I think), Merton, Lytton (Trevor?), Scott (Dorothy), Eggington (Vicky), Saxton (Peter). Dad (Arthur Weeds) was a member of Sheffield United Harriers (walkers) at that time.


In 1952 we did an exchange to 536 Deerlands Avenue (Near Halifax Road). Names from there I can remember are Baron, Beedham, Bower, Longman, Hallam, Porter, Fletcher, King (moved later to Colley Road area I think), Gillott, Caswell. Lots more but I’m having a senior moment and can’t bring to mind!!


Went to Fox Hill Infants and Junior and then Meynell Road leaving in 1963. Went to work in Sales office at Easterbrook & Allcard (Presto Tools) and met a girl in Export office that lived on Holgate Road. I met, married and later divorced her brother and ended up back at 92 Doe Royd Cres for a while before moving to Chesterfield where I have put down my roots.


I remember Mr Collins the ragman, the pikelet man, Charlie with his horse and cart selling fruit and veg, Plummers mobile shop. The Sikh with his suitcase selling Betterware stuff (with a tiny (sample) tin of lavender polish for me!!). Hiding under the table when the gypsies came calling so they would think no one was in!!


So if anyone can remember me or any of the names I’ve mentioned I’d be happy to know where they are and what they’re doing now.

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chapblade-i dont recall the furneses coach with the fin on it but i have put my link to 3 buses which some of the oldies on here may remember from law brothers



the bus in pic 2 is a tail fin avenger consort,,,does the bus ring any bells mate


The general shape is right but it had a fin down the middle of the roof like a shark :hihi: never seen another before or since

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Wow, never knew there were two Fudges.

The one I’m referring to was a couple years older than me, blonde haired, good footballer. Played in that famous Yew Lane team with Bogey Platts, Geoff Careless, Rich Morton, Brian Newell etc. Nice kid!


Thats Steve Ridge lived in the house at the side of the gennel his mam used to go in the Tap Room with Louis Smythe and Mrs Sales and would come in best room for a chat with our old lass ocasionally.


Dindt Steve Ridge pass away a couple of years back ? apologies to him and his if I am wrong but sure I heard it somewhere


I am guessing you never knew Steve Rudge Bushy he moved when I was about 10 or 11 and youd be about 13 ish I am guessing

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Celebrating Parson Cross in the 1950s and 60s

Thursday 1 Dec, 7PM – Parson Cross Learning Centre, Wordsworth Ave, Sheffield S5 8NL

Tickets £6.50 (£5.50 concessions) from Parson Cross Learning Centre (0114 203 9533)

Arena ticket shop (0114 256 5567 or http://www.arenaticketshop.co.uk/whats-on/celebrating-parson-cross/ )


David Blunkett MP

Graham Shepherd, Author of 'Get Thi Neck Weshed'

and, errm, Steve Bush, Author of 'Gee'Or Ruwerin

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