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Did you ever live in Parson Cross? (Part 2)

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BUSHBABY, Mr. Marsden who delivered milk on a horse and cart and liptons or Ringtons tea vans going around the estates.


Old Mr Marsden - wow, there's a name I had totally forgotten. He used to come down as far as the filling station on Wordsworth before turning the horse around in the forecourt, to go back up to Foxhill/Greno. He was about 140 I think. (probably, same age as I am now in reality).

We didn't get regular deliveries from him but if I was off school, mum would nip out and get me a bottle of orange . It was in a milk bottle and had loads of bits in it. Beautiful!

The Fletchers Feccy vans (confectionary I presume) were famous for their custard tarts and bilberry charlottes, or at least they were in my head. That was another treat for a non school day. It's no wonder I never went!!


Malthouses were simply named after the company that built them - not very exciting is it?

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SMARY, I do remember Corona lorry I now live in wales and hey still have rounds down here or rather up the valleys. when we were kids we culd not afford Corona my mum also said that we could have some as log as we didn't drink it!!!!

we did have a ginger beer plant which mum used to make into ginger beer she used to keep it in the pantry I never like the blooming stuff. We also had Sterilised milk in tall bottles with a metal cap we had this because it tasted horrible and we would not drink it.

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I wonder if there was any preservatives etc in the drinks of old. Ginger beer was great - wouldn't mind having a go at making it these days. My Uncle was the Corona man for a few years and I used to go round with him on Saturdays collecting the money. We used to call the sterilised milk bull's milk - yuk!!! We also used to have thick orange juice from the baby clinic, used to go up Southey Hill for that.

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Busbaby,my brother paul who is no longer with us, was a lad and a half he knocked about with loads a mates and they played truant all the time, he used to go up grenoside and across bottom of the batchelors factory through the tunnel ont oringilo factory and then onto fletchers where the helped themselves to drink and food off the vanshey used to throw the custards and bilberry tarts at each other and used to tell us they once walking up claywheels lane all covered in cream and pie fillings and a policeman asked what they been doing when the gave him some smart answer he gave them a slap round the head.


Thats what is mising now

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SMARY, I do remember Corona lorry I now live in wales and hey still have rounds down here or rather up the valleys. when we were kids we culd not afford Corona my mum also said that we could have some as log as we didn't drink it!!!!

we did have a ginger beer plant which mum used to make into ginger beer she used to keep it in the pantry I never like the blooming stuff. We also had Sterilised milk in tall bottles with a metal cap we had this because it tasted horrible and we would not drink it.


dunt sound like a very nice mum

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Forgive me if ithey`ve been mentioned already but three things I remember are


The old fella who pushed a bike with a basket on selling "Oat cakes" ?(we heard it as "old cakes" as kids of course )and piclates (crumpets for you posh lot)


Marigolds van ,never knew if it was called that becuase the owners were Mr and Mrs Marigold or if the van was bright orange like a Marigold flower.They lived on Fulmere Road if I remember correct


and finally the old sikh fella who used to knock on doors selling tea towels from a suitcase in those days in his turban and with his grey beard he was something pretty exotic and i remember pearing round mams skirts as she taalked to him on the doorstep and bein fascinated by him

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it was that she was a bad there were 6 kids and no money so we had to make sure that we did not waste money. There were a few families like us on the cross. My dad worked nights for years at english then british steel for the extra money to make ends meet

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Chap Blade i remember all three you talked about my grandparents lived on Dugdale so most of my child hood was spent on there.My sister and myself would always go and get sweets from marigold and my grandad always bought piclates from the guy on the bike.Happy memories.;-)

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