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Did you ever live in Parson Cross? (Part 2)

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Not sure if these things have already been mentioned. I use to live opposite the Parson Cross Hotel (pub) and use to play around on the carpark with a load of others. To name some...The Fosters (Mandy, Tracy and Scott), The chambers (use to live end house on Deerlands Ave, next to the field). Chris Nicholson (use to live in the pub itself), Wayne and Shaun Howson, The Butchers use to live on Deerlands Ave and loads more.


I was growing up on there around the time of ''Eddy Bedstead'' was living in the end house on Buchanan Cres and I use to go to Chaucer School. Use to hang around with quite a few people, Dawn Frith, Dawn Doran and Sally-Anne Revill.

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BUSHBABY, I knew Derrick Pawley went into the Bridge WMC if he had had a good night on saturday I had a hard Sunday morning. I firt worked for his mum helping load the van then one day I went to her house he lockd me in and wouldno let me out till I had cleaned up the kitchen scare the whatsit out of me.

Did you know his brother Tony originally a plumber i think then had a smaller van that did the estate I think he got married and bought a sho somewhere.


Derricks wife Maureen I believe was both a lovely lady and a lovely looking lady always seemed to have a smile.


Before I worked on Alfs i had a job helping on a Gilletes bread van which sold door to door around that time there was all sorts selling door to door, there was Sunblest and Fletchers bread as well as Gilletes. we had an old farmer Mr. Marsden who delivered milk on a horse and cart and liptons or Ringtons tea vans going around the estates.


Service and usually a smile

was his mum called jessie(derek pawley,s)?.
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I was growing up on there around the time of ''Eddy Bedstead'' was living in the end house on Buchanan Cres


Eddy is well covered in these pages, and deservedly so. His "Gizza fag" was a common eulogy up and down Wordsworth, and in the shops on Chaucer, Margo, and of course, Buchanan.

If only he'd known how colourfully we would would remember him!!

He should have a pavement plaque outside the Town Hall, or at least outside the Parson Cross Hotel

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Eddy is well covered in these pages, and deservedly so. His "Gizza fag" was a common eulogy up and down Wordsworth, and in the shops on Chaucer, Margo, and of course, Buchanan.

If only he'd known how colourfully we would would remember him!!

He should have a pavement plaque outside the Town Hall, or at least outside the Parson Cross Hotel


old eddie was a legend,and to a lesser extent,so was dennis craggs,who lived at the top of wordsworth close,he used to be in the cross on a saturday afternoon,picking dog ends out of the ash trays,or taking bets round to the bookies for the price of a drink, i once laid a stair carpet for him,bought for him by his then home help,margaret bailey,i saw dennis a few days later,gave him a lift home,and went to inspect my handiwork,only to find the stairs just bare wood again..........dennis had sold the stair carpet for 10 park drive!!!!

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Thanks for the video, I think you must have been stood outside 87,Mansel Cres, at the end of the video.Daz.


hi darell, i went to parson cross to take pics of the houses on there, i was born on mansel cres on the corner of mansel school. my parents had to move through demolition of the house after 39 years, im so glad i got the pictures i did and put them on youtube as a reminder of my parson cross i was brought up and lived in. people have had a right go at me for putting the pics of the burned out houses on my video's but i have had so many requests from people overseas who emigrated years ago and want to know how things are on parson cross. i did take the pics of deerlands and mansel myself, not to bring down the estate but to show whats going on-on the estate. i have no regrets putting my pics on youtube but when i lived on parson cross i respected our estate and i was proud to say i live on PARSON CROSS. but now idiots dont even respect the estate they live on. parson cross was at one time a peoples estate where everyone knew eachother and respected the estate which if people read the comments on here from the beginning they will know, but now its full of drug, knive wielding thugs which i have seen myself, its so sad that a brilliant housing estate has been brougt down by these thugs which the police are powerless to anything about it,,,

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Classic!! Dennis was a real one-off
he certainly was that,every time i saw him after the stair carpet incident,he would scrounge a drink,usually blackcurrant and lemonade(red eye he called it)i used to love seeing him walking up buchanan with his transistor radio clasped to his ear,singing away to his self,all the characters from the cross are now dead,eddie,dennis,the samson brothers,little georgie crapper and his dog....all gone but,while forums like this exist,certainly not forgotten.
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was dennis craggs about the same time as eddie bedstead? i remember eddie very well but not dennis. we was down at p x hotel and remember the mallinders off fulmere robbing cabbages off eddies back garden. eddie caught him and gave him a right pasting. it was bloody hilarious

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