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Anyone here from Attercliffe? (Part 2)

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Hi Joan1, no one seems to remember the Central and we all had sucha good time bopping to the live groups. Screaming Lord Such, Dean Marshall and his deputies, a guy called Jonnie White would sing and many others. They were great times if it was open until twelve you were safe to walk home, unlike today.

I recently met up with an old friend and we had a laugh talking about the fun we had. We never bothered about the pubs , although our boyfriends at the time did.

I lived near Alfred Rd and married a lad from the same area, let me know which end of Newhall Rd you lived, we just might no one another.

Keep in touch LG..............


I lived at the top end, more less opposite the Snooker Hall.

My gran lived off Alfred Rd....Pelham/Paget Street so used to go down there quite a bit. Went to Maltby St school though.

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hya linda your not on your own remembering central dance my husband used go there it was the old skating rink, he remembers the old mugs alley turning into a soft drinks bar, by the way he says how are you and your pat lol


Hi longchat you have the advantage ,knowing me and our Pat ahah,so maybe you will let me no who I am replying to.

You are the only one who remembers the central good times had by all.

Our Pat is fine, still with Malc, and I'm still with David, 44yrs two kids Darren and Gina and have five great grand children, ages 24 to fourteen luvem to bits.At the moment I am recovering from a broken hip but on the mend, we are trying to get a few together who went to the dance to remenis would you be interested got about eight at the moment, We'd meet in a pub, can you remember Tony Driver from the cliff, been in touch with him and Shelia Heppenstall his wife.plz reply,LG.

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I lived at the top end, more less opposite the Snooker Hall.

My gran lived off Alfred Rd....Pelham/Paget Street so used to go down there quite a bit. Went to Maltby St school though.


Hi again did you no jack nicklas, married Eileen and can you remember anyone from st charles school.LG

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Hi bossy. my dad came from alfred rd area,went to newhall school,can`t ask him where long gone and all relatives,and I`m an Attercliffer,who`s ended up in Ecclesfield


Hi cliffsharky; my husband went to newhall school so did his older brothers and sisters the Goddards.

Surley you remember the central dance hall?????????????

noyhinh wrong with Ecclesfield we live on Green Lane and we luv it. keep in touch. LG.

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Just came across a load of stuff from my uncle and I found that my granddad was the president in 1975 at the Attercliffe Liberal Club....







President : William Knowles.

Secretary: L. Christopher

Treasurer: H. Scarratt













Any one know him? Sorry to say he died in 1985. I am carrying out a family tree and would love to hear from his friends.


I have very few photos so if any one can help? Club pictures and news around 1975?


btw I am he grand son.



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Hi longchat you have the advantage ,knowing me and our Pat ahah,so maybe you will let me no who I am replying to.

You are the only one who remembers the central good times had by all.

Our Pat is fine, still with Malc, and I'm still with David, 44yrs two kids Darren and Gina and have five great grand children, ages 24 to fourteen luvem to bits.At the moment I am recovering from a broken hip but on the mend, we are trying to get a few together who went to the dance to remenis would you be interested got about eight at the moment, We'd meet in a pub, can you remember Tony Driver from the cliff, been in touch with him and Shelia Heppenstall his wife.plz reply,LG.


my husbands name is pete he lived on newhall rd corner of alfred rd, met you at douggie davidsons funeral din;t get much chance to speak because we had to leave early (baby sitting duties) .mary

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hya linda your not on your own remembering central dance my husband used go there it was the old skating rink, he remembers the old mugs alley turning into a soft drinks bar, by the way he says how are you and your pat lol


I remember both the 'skates' and the central that came after. It was just before Zion Lane on the left and upstairs over a furniture store. I first saw Vance Arnold and the Mighty Avengers (Joe Cocker) there - must have been around 1962/63. When it was the 'skates' saturday afternoon used to be the highlight for me and my buddies. Does anyone remember the older (to us) couple that used to figure/skate dance together sometimes then? The floor used to clear for them and everyone watched. People had some respect back then!

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Hi again did you no jack nicklas, married Eileen and can you remember anyone from st charles school.LG


Names don't ring a bell

nor does St Charles School. Sorry.

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my husbands name is pete he lived on newhall rd corner of alfred rd, met you at douggie davidsons funeral din;t get much chance to speak because we had to leave early (baby sitting duties) .mary


I used to know Dougie and didn't know he had died. He used to live close to the bombed out house that had the letters ARP on it and was across from the Liberal Club. It was next to the building site where the nursery used to be in the 50's. For a while there he dated Beryl Newall from Brightside - don't know what became of it though.

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