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Mr Kites casablanca bar division st - Anyone remember it?

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Hi TeresaB, this is the 'one and only' in person! The original Mr Kite image was Toby's 7 yr old schoolwork version of Batman. I redrafted it to keep the wild fresh dynamism and dropped a K into the chest where the winged silhouette had been. Toby is now a sucessful chef in Australia you can google him as Tobias Gush and there's some reviews etc.


I started the bar with close chum Mini Roberts and was later joined by another old friend George Slater (Jnr or the 3rd). It had been derelict for years but was originally The Rickshaw one of the earliest 'late night' restaurants in Sheffield when you had to have a small dance floor to get a late supper license. We had very little cash but managed to eventually get planning permission and a licence to open as a 'wine bar' in the days when they only sold wine.


We were hugely busy from day one, queues to get in etc etc, but also totally naive in business matters. After about two years of being the grooviest place on the planet we realised we had big cash flow problems and didn't quite know what to do about it all. Being now older wiser and fatter I realise that we then got sold down the river by bent advisors (nuff said they all know who they are!) Life is short and it was a blast while it lasted.


The other guy in The Push was Dave Carr, a quiet guy but a mean guitar!


My thanks to everyone who remembers Kite's with fondness it was fun to read all these different postings.

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Great to know that you are tuned into the forum and still "trucking" after all these years Ted. Much missed and not just be me I might add. Several members of other bands that were around at the time remember you fondly!


Just a thought though - think I missed out on one of the Kite bodgers, name of Alan "Aussie" Dawson. Born in Sheffield, taken to Oz as a small child and then returned to the UK.


Someone out there in the Outback must know what happened to him when he eventually upped sticks and headed to the other side of the world to look after his aging mama (or maybe she was looking after him).


I think that at one time he lived at Hyde Park flats but then, he seemed to live everywhere and anywhere that would have him. Lived with me and my family just before he took off and was an ace babysitter.

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Alan 'Digger' Dawson was indeed about half Australian. He went to Oz as a small child but it didn't work out for his dad who was a bit of a waste of space so they came back when he was about 20ish. He was always game for a larf and became very adept at 'karattey' if I recall! I dont have any coordinates for him but Edwardo might do. Eddy is in Spain now but I'll ask him next time I mail him. Glad you're still live an kickin yourself!

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Anyone old enough to remember when it was a Chinese restaurant ? The Rickshaw ?




I remember the'Rickshaw' went one night with my husband and some friends. We ordered one of their banquets for four. There was enough food for about ten people, they had to put another table next to ours for all the dishes. We tried hard but couldn't eat it all . It was a wonderful meal. Early 1960's

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When we took over the derelict site we only really wanted the ground floor for our new bar 'Mr Kites Celebrated Wine Bar & Bistro'. However the first floor had also been restaurant space and kitchens in its Rickshaw days so was a fairly open space and we used some of it for storage but the second floor had obviously been 'staff quarters'. It was subdivided into very small rooms like ships cabins with no windows but a small porthole type window in the doors. They were set out around a sort of common room space in the middle of the building. Apparently the waiters who lived and worked there were all Chinese and played long noisy card games together whenever they weren't waiting tables or sleeping. It must have been a very close community of probably about a dozen waiters and cooks.

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