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The best coffee in Sheffield?

What is the best coffee shop in the town centre?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best coffee shop in the town centre?

    • F.O.B
    • Utopia (West One)
    • Starbucks
    • Costa (Abbey National)
    • Coffee Rev (Uni)
    • Cafe Moco
    • Other

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So Starbucks is successful because of it good marketing?? and the drinks are terrible?? ... how can that logic work really.. considering how many stores Starbucks have world wide your view just doesn't make sense. No company can go global by making terrible products and just having good marketing it just doesn't work like that.


I will admit that not every single drink made there is the same consistent high quality that it should be but we must be doing something right if we have people visiting daily ordering the same drinks.

If i was to go somewhere and i wasn't impressed with the quality of product i am receiving there is no way i would go there everyday so we must be doing something right to attract such a large collection of regulars.


As for the remark about what a latte is :


second line down i quote "is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk"


The only variation you can get to a basic latte is the espresso roast used, the temperature and the way the milk is steamed.


On this subject i would say there is no "best cup of latte" it all depends on the person that is making it and how fresh the beans are they are using.... Just stay clear of mcdonalds because there coffee is absolutely terrible which i am sure me and ab6262 can agree on


ok i will give you mc donalds coffee is total Cr**;) but as for the rest of the replies, yes of course starbucks is sucesful due to marketing and satuaration of sites, and the majority of the drinks are terrible, as said before super heated over sweet over hyped and the public fall for the hype, the emprerors new clothes story, springs to mind sheep will follow sheep if the ad says its good loads will believe it, the vast majority of starbucks milk steamers...not baristas are taught poorley and most staff dont care anyway as they are ususally part time and students!

re the what goes into a Latte, obviously its milk and espresso as ingredients BUT and its a big but, the way the milk is steamed the temperature and the grind of the beans and the pressure of the tamping goes way more to making a latte!! than simple milk and just espresso.

can you tell me how many times a day the grind is re set in starbucks? if at all? why do you re-steam and use milk after its been steamed once?

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re: why do you re-steam and use milk after its been steamed once?


Who told you that? because they must be a starbucks hater aswell that make up things because that simply is a lie. i know for a fact at my store i have never witness milk being steamed left then steamed again.


re: super heated.. it is heated to 140 degrees and the only time its hotter is if someone requests it. the stream wand stops once it gets to 140.


re: over sweetened ... we dont put sweetners in lattes. the customer puts there own sugar in. if your refering to syrups that we put in then they are set to 2-3-4 pumps in tall-grande-venti.


re: the grinder. the grinder is reset when the shots are taking to long to pour. on average it takes 12 secs to pour the shots and we are not aloud to let them stand for a few seconds because in our training it is stressed that the shots die.


As for the training of the staff. please tell me just what you think our training is because its a little niave to think we are just thrown behind a bar and told to make drinks and what differnt training do you believe other "good" coffee shops get that is different to ours.


As for starbucks being successfull due to saturation... it started as one store in america (pike place) who originally just sold beens. this store was successful they bought out a small chain of stores form another coffee company and i mean small im talking like 5 shops.. the 5 shops were successful so they bought more.. what i am getting at is each store they have opened sold quality beverages which is why they did so well. i am not naive enough or blind to the fact that marketing has had a big impact. For example the cold blended drinks we do (frappachinos) are promoted and teenagers love them and it has become "cool" to tell there friends they go to starbucks at the weekend like its some adult thing to do. Literally on a hot weekend we have hundreds coming in and buying them. i do get it that starbucks is like the mcdonalds of the coffee world and people go there for convienience but i have to defend there quality of drinks because i do take care in the ones i make.

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re: why do you re-steam and use milk after its been steamed once?


Who told you that? because they must be a starbucks hater aswell that make up things because that simply is a lie. i know for a fact at my store i have never witness milk being steamed left then steamed again.


re: super heated.. it is heated to 140 degrees and the only time its hotter is if someone requests it. the stream wand stops once it gets to 140.


re: over sweetened ... we dont put sweetners in lattes. the customer puts there own sugar in. if your refering to syrups that we put in then they are set to 2-3-4 pumps in tall-grande-venti.


re: the grinder. the grinder is reset when the shots are taking to long to pour. on average it takes 12 secs to pour the shots and we are not aloud to let them stand for a few seconds because in our training it is stressed that the shots die.


As for the training of the staff. please tell me just what you think our training is because its a little niave to think we are just thrown behind a bar and told to make drinks and what differnt training do you believe other "good" coffee shops get that is different to ours.


As for starbucks being successfull due to saturation... it started as one store in america (pike place) who originally just sold beens. this store was successful they bought out a small chain of stores form another coffee company and i mean small im talking like 5 shops.. the 5 shops were successful so they bought more.. what i am getting at is each store they have opened sold quality beverages which is why they did so well. i am not naive enough or blind to the fact that marketing has had a big impact. For example the cold blended drinks we do (frappachinos) are promoted and teenagers love them and it has become "cool" to tell there friends they go to starbucks at the weekend like its some adult thing to do. Literally on a hot weekend we have hundreds coming in and buying them. i do get it that starbucks is like the mcdonalds of the coffee world and people go there for convienience but i have to defend there quality of drinks because i do take care in the ones i make.



no not been told seen with my own eyes re-heated milk!! and i think you will find most Baristas accept the optimum temp for latte milk is around 75 -80 degrees for a good flavour any more burns the milk.....er not superheated to 140.....100 is boiling:loopy:.

syrups well each to their own:gag:

shots taking too long?????? did you not know the optimum time is 18-21 secs for an espresso and the grinder should be adjusted as the humidity increases throughout the day? why would you let shots stand??

as for training if a couple of hours (if you are lucky) constitutes training then ok you get trained!


apart from that i admire your loyalty and your defensiveness just a shame you work for starbucks

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I noticed that there are more and more coffee places opening up. It makes me think whether I have been charged too much for coffee sometimes. I mean, 2-3GBP for a cup of coffee is kind of expensive in my eyes...


Where do you think the best cup of latte is in town? Both for a proper espresso shot with decent milk/froth used, and the pricing to go with that too.


Costa does a really creamy "flat white". Other than that, I cannot recall where else is best to that same standard for less. What are your opinions ?


Greggs sell lovely latte

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no not been told seen with my own eyes re-heated milk!! and i think you will find most Baristas accept the optimum temp for latte milk is around 75 -80 degrees for a good flavour any more burns the milk.....er not superheated to 140.....100 is boiling:loopy:.

syrups well each to their own:gag:

shots taking too long?????? did you not know the optimum time is 18-21 secs for an espresso and the grinder should be adjusted as the humidity increases throughout the day? why would you let shots stand??

as for training if a couple of hours (if you are lucky) constitutes training then ok you get trained!


apart from that i admire your loyalty and your defensiveness just a shame you work for starbucks



most baristas accept 75-80..

please read: http://www.home-barista.com/tips/ideal-serving-temperature-for-steamed-milk-t10793.html


2pages of people cannot be wrong when they all aim for around 140-150 F if your refering to Celcius then 140F=60Celcius meaning 75-80Celcius would be around 170F which is what you get when you over steam the milk.


I am sure we could debate for weeks about this subject i suppose what it will have to end with is personal opinion. You dont like starbucks and think there methods and techniques are shameful along with there coffee not being good enough standard to serve to the public and I think we serve quality coffee and will conceed that it could be more consistant and i am sorry you have had one to many bad experiences. But after all our debating we arnt going to convince eachother otherwise so i think we shoudl agree to disagree and start expressing our opinions more on other topics in this forum.


It has been fun and i will take your recommendations on coffee shops and will start visiting smaller coffe stores to give them a try .... I just wownt be able to use my Starbucks discount card lol

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ooh! it's getting very technical this isn't it? They've lost me for sure! :huh:


There's an interesting thing that I wanted to pick up on though - and that is, "can good marketing overcome a terrible product?" and the answer to that is "not indefinitely" in my view.


If a product is truly "terrible" then no amount of clever marketing will be successful in the long term, or even the medium term. Maybe, in the very short term it could work.


But, i don't think anyone's saying that Starbuck's coffee is a "terrible" product. It isn't. I don't particularly like it because I find it very weak - but having lived and worked in the US quite a bit I do appreciate that this is exactly how American's take their coffee. That's why I say, I would always ask for an extra shot (of coffee) in my coffee if I was in Starbuck's.


I'm well impressed with our Starbuck's person on here for defending her trade so strongly. I bet a lot of employers reading this wish that their own staff had such fierce loyalty. Well done to you.


I have to finish by saying though, that "marketing" isn't about "products" it's about a total package - the whole experience if you like. And if it's done well then the total package can make up for shortfalls in specific areas. Starbuck's is actually not about coffee - it's about a total experience and they've got that experience just right - the coffee is secondary.

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