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Please turn your car stereo down when near houses.

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I love this forum - I think it's a really friendly place, but I have to say, this thread has really disappointed me!


There were some really awful things said and I can understand where Arrgghh was originally coming from.

And I can also say that I may have posted something similar without expecting it to be discussed. I think all they wanted was for anyone to look at it to take note in case people weren't being malicious, just ignorant.


I was disappointed to see the jibes on this thread, and Shiesh, I don't think they were calling for a mod, I think they wanted to know what the message beginning 'mod' from the moderator meant.


I have to agree, I hate it when people drive by residential areas with their music blaring out and it does concern me with the whole emergency vehicle thing as sometimes if I've got my windows up and music on not all that loud I don't notice at first. if it was any louder i don't think I'd hear it.


I'm not sure what went on between you and Aarrrgghh on your thread Shiesh, seeing as you said it had been deleted by mods but still, two wrongs don't make a right do they?


I'm not completely backing Aarrgghh up though, as 'the typical city-forum user' isn't the best thing to say on a city forum, especially one of which you're a member, but perhaps ppl ought 2 just cut them some slack!



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when we are in the car we make sure the volume is as loud as possible when driving past a church while listening to slayer.


just to let them know the score

(not a christian as you can guess).


PS im a musician and i can still concentrate on my own music while there is a car outside with its stereo on, just dont concentrate on it as much. that wasnt meant as sarcastic by the way, helpful advice. jsut try to learn to blot it out, trn your insrtrument up.

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Originally posted by Lotti

I'm not sure what went on between you and Aarrrgghh on your thread Shiesh, seeing as you said it had been deleted by mods but still, two wrongs don't make a right do they?



Nothing I have posted on here today has been deleted therefore I have done nothing wrong whatsoever.....I am enjoying how this forum member clearly gets rattled at the mildest of jibes....very differant to the extremely 'nasty' references made in the original posting that so obviously 'marked his card' with me!!!


I don't have anything other than a 'fun loving' reputation on this forum and this hyprocrit won't change my style on any other thread....I am merely enjoying stomping on his a little and getting away with it longer than he did because I have chosen not to swear or make nasty references to ones lifestyle!!




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funny but true story. i was waiting to cross the road at a set of traffic lights and a group of lads pulled up in a kitted out car, spoilers and everything, with their stereo pumping out to some random tune which was obviously on the radio because it finshed while they were still waiting there and turned onto "Everytime" by Britney Spears! they just sat there trying to look cool and then sped off when the lights changed for them.

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Mod Note: Back to topic please guys. Sian posted a warning on this thread some considerable time ago asking for a return to topic. We don't appreciate Mod notes being ignored. Those concerned, please consider yourselves warned.

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back on topic with a tit-for-tat story to cheer you all up.


My big brother particularly hates the chavvy bangbangblarymusic wallahs too.


A couple of years ago he had to get a hire car for a fortnight & the one he got came with a particularly chavvy bangbang stereo!


So, as much as possible he drove round the chavvy end of the village earlydoors every morning when the chavvs were sleepytired blaring out Classical Music & Opera :hihi::clap: :clap:


You should have seen the looks!



Ahhh, such fun. :D

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The people who drive around with music so loud that all you can hear is "thud, thud, thud" are invariably what people call "chavs" and have silly looking modified cars. When the volume is that loud, the music ceases to be music and just becomes a string of thuds, so I don't understand what the driver gets out of it. If they think we can all hear which fashionable/"happening" tunes they're listening to, we can't - we can only hear thuds.

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