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Please turn your car stereo down when near houses.

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Can we presume then that you wouldn't mind your neighbours playing their music as loudly as they wanted in their home or garden? As its their home should they be able to do exactly as they want - regardless of how much it upsets you? Or would you make a fuss about it. ;)


Am I to assume that you cannot tell the difference between continuous loud music being played all hours of the day and night, and a two or three second duration as a car passes you with the stereo on loud?

There is a big difference, and I have already stated that I would not keep my car stereo playing loudly if I was parked up in a resedential area.

When I drive past you, you may be subjected to my loud music for a few seconds, and this is hardly to be compared with noisy neighbours who have their home stereos blaring out until 3 or 4am.


If you cannot see the difference then what more can be said?

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Am I to assume that you cannot tell the difference between continuous loud music being played all hours of the day and night, and a two or three second duration as a car passes you with the stereo on loud?

There is a big difference, and I have already stated that I would not keep my car stereo playing loudly if I was parked up in a resedential area.

When I drive past you, you may be subjected to my loud music for a few seconds, and this is hardly to be compared with noisy neighbours who have their home stereos blaring out until 3 or 4am.


If you cannot see the difference then what more can be said?


When teaching my children whether or not their behaviour was acceptable, I always asked them to consider if what they did would feel acceptable if everyone did it. They may have felt it didn't hurt anyone if they picked one bluebell, but if everyone did it the woods would be bare and bluebells would become extinct. In the same way, if everyone played loud music from their cars then it would be a continuous noise and clearly unacceptable. I think that if behaviour is unacceptable if everyone did it, then it is unacceptable for one to do it. You have no idea how many other people doing the same are also passing the same house, it could be every few minutes and a real disturbance to their lives.

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Actually this is the shop, hennypenny and the effect is similar to what you mention, every minute or two someone like dragonanna or mamalocha passes by the open door, crawling in slow traffic. I'm really channelling the customers, as I get the grumbles about it from them. Almost everyone hates it, these drivers must love getting the daggers, is all I can say. Maybe they interpret it as admiration ;)


It's one of the little things that makes suburban shopping centres uncomfortable, the cumulation of acts, small and petty individually (rather like the perpetrators) but cumulatively it can make for a bad shopping experience.


It's quite surprising to find just how many narcissistic, selfish people there are around, only pleasing themselves and making everyone else's life a misery, and actually glorying in their discourtesy and intending to keep on doing it. Our old cleaner used to call them "The Great I Am" :hihi:

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I actually am a musician .



Perhaps you should send me a copy of some of your creations to play in the car, im sure you wouldnt mind me playing that at full volume! (not that i ever do on account of me being such a good girl)


Im sure when you play at some giggs close neighbours to the venue etc get a bit fuffed off with hearing your stuff at full bumf....karma perhaps?? :D:D:D

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When teaching my children whether or not their behaviour was acceptable, I always asked them to consider if what they did would feel acceptable if everyone did it. They may have felt it didn't hurt anyone if they picked one bluebell, but if everyone did it the woods would be bare and bluebells would become extinct. In the same way, if everyone played loud music from their cars then it would be a continuous noise and clearly unacceptable. I think that if behaviour is unacceptable if everyone did it, then it is unacceptable for one to do it. You have no idea how many other people doing the same are also passing the same house, it could be every few minutes and a real disturbance to their lives.


If everyone played their music loud in their cars then no - it would not bother me. A car passes my house every few minutes and for a couple of seconds I am subjected to loud music and then nothing - no problem.

If we move the goal posts a little and say loud music after a certain time - from anywhere - then maybe I would have a problems with it. No-one likes to be woken up at 2am because someone is parked outside their home playing loud music.

But I have had neighbours who enjoy the occassional party and have their music on so loud I have to go to a neighbouring city to be out of earshot of it. Hey ho! Not a problem.


When my kids were only a couple of years old and still had their afternoon nap then it was somewhat disruptive for neighbours to have their music on loud, but there is no law against it, and for an occassional event it's not a problem.


I do not drive in my car 24/7 and do not have the music on loud all of the time. So measuring the noise from car stereos as being a constant just seems to be stretching things a little.


And I wonder where you have situated your cafe if every couple of minutes during constant traffic jams there are drivers with their windows open playing loud music. I really think there is a bit of fabricating going on here. Bet you get an occassional driver going past and subjecting you to a few seconds of their loud music, and that's probably on a bad day.


Mountains out of molehills springs to mind.

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Am I to assume that you cannot tell the difference between continuous loud music being played all hours of the day and night, and a two or three second duration as a car passes you with the stereo on loud?

There is a big difference, and I have already stated that I would not keep my car stereo playing loudly if I was parked up in a resedential area.

When I drive past you, you may be subjected to my loud music for a few seconds, and this is hardly to be compared with noisy neighbours who have their home stereos blaring out until 3 or 4am.


If you cannot see the difference then what more can be said?


Of course I can see the difference. I'm also a person who is aware of others, and try to minimise annoyance to them by my actions. On a motorway or remote roads, loud music is fine. In built up residential areas I don't think it is. But however much the majority don't like it - it obviously won't change the habits of the 'my rights' brigade. :shakes:

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Of course I can see the difference. I'm also a person who is aware of others, and try to minimise annoyance to them by my actions. On a motorway or remote roads, loud music is fine. In built up residential areas I don't think it is. But however much the majority don't like it - it obviously won't change the habits of the 'my rights' brigade. :shakes:


You are a one person majority now? Okay - two if we include Ruby. Since when has that been a majority? Unless there were only three people on the planet, I suppose, in which case you would probably not have a problem with this anyhow.

And what will you decide to ban next because you and your imaginary majority dislike it?

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I think it was Stockhausen who wrote a piece of music which lasted for something like one and a half hours and it was total silence! Perhaps it'd solve a few of the probs in this discussion if 'garage', '*rap' etc was suddenly to be overtaken by 'conceptual'. The wrong way round cap, souped up 'big stylee' car body filler ridden VW Jetta brigade with custom plastic 'alloy' hubcaps from 'Poundland', blacked out lights (sensible!), blue LED on the bonnet and custom paintwork courtesy of the spare cans left over from outdoor wall 'decorating' exploits should try this out! Have it pumped up loud man! :loopy::D

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My window is literally over a pavement...a few yards futher down the road is a crossroads with a set of traffic lights....sometimes there is just one car at the lights, sometimes there is a queue. Everybody has their own particular choice of music that they seem to think that is everyone elses too. They're not greedy and like to share it with no thought of whether anyone else will like or not.

This is fine if there is no one else on the road, but when the next car or the one after is doing the same then being sitting in the living room is a bit like having someone zapping from channel to channel on the telly.

Someone mentioned that those of us living near traffic should get double glazing...well yes, but we also like OUR windows open on a Summers day.

I shout to ask them what else they got for Christmas but of course they can't hear me, so it's pointless really.

What I'm curious about, if I was cleaning my windows just as someone decided to share their music with me and the bucket of water slipped and went all over their car and in through their windows, would I get away with saying that I just wanted to share it with them......like they were sharing their music with me:?:

Having said that, I'm sure there used to be something in the Highway Code about not playing radios/stereos/ghettoblasters in built up areas.

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