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Please turn your car stereo down when near houses.

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You are a one person majority now? Okay - two if we include Ruby. Since when has that been a majority? Unless there were only three people on the planet, I suppose, in which case you would probably not have a problem with this anyhow.

And what will you decide to ban next because you and your imaginary majority dislike it?


I don't consider myself a majority, but I'd imagine most ordinary, peace loving people don't want the disturbance of other people's noise even if it is brief. As well as disliking loud music from cars, many people are fed up of those who treat us to their ringtones or MP3 tunes on public transport. But its fairly obvious (not just from this discussion) that we live in selfish times, where some people will always put their rights before considering anyone else. Its also fairly unlikely that my/Ruby's point of view will glean much support here as people of our generation are very much in the minority on fora such as this.


I'm so glad hennypenny is teaching her children old-fashioned values of consideration and respect for others. There's hope for us yet!

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Emergency vehicles hardly use the sirens anymore anyway, and you can see the blue lights in the mirrors if they're coming up behind you, so that's that argument gone out the window.


I don't really see why I should turn my music down, fair enough if I was parked outside your house all day blasting out tunes then fine, but 3 seconds of annoyance as I drive past really isn't worth complaining about.


And if you're that bothered, write to the council and tell them to take out the bloody speed bumps and I can get past your house quicker.

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Emergency vehicles hardly use the sirens anymore anyway, and you can see the blue lights in the mirrors if they're coming up behind you, so that's that argument gone out the window.


I don't really see why I should turn my music down, fair enough if I was parked outside your house all day blasting out tunes then fine, but 3 seconds of annoyance as I drive past really isn't worth complaining about.


And if you're that bothered, write to the council and tell them to take out the bloody speed bumps and I can get past your house quicker.


Bet you're a Bugatti 1.1 Fiesta owner aren't you? Of course emergency services use their sirens ... they just turn them off when they're not being held up by traffic as they're very loud and they don't want to annoy people! What if you lived on a main road on the way to the Northen General or any Police station...would you like it if you were woken up by sirens every few minutes in the small hours when there's no need for them? By the way... I'd Google 'tinnitus' if I were you! Oh... try going to the Northern General yourself and getting a life! :loopy:

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Bet you're a Bugatti 1.1 Fiesta owner aren't you? Of course emergency services use their sirens ... they just turn them off when they're not being held up by traffic as they're very loud and they don't want to annoy people! What if you lived on a main road on the way to the Northen General or any Police station...would you like it if you were woken up by sirens every few minutes in the small hours when there's no need for them? By the way... I'd Google 'tinnitus' if I were you! Oh... try going to the Northern General yourself and getting a life! :loopy:


Tell you what then - I will do as ambulances etc and if there is no traffic jam I will turn my stereo down. How's that for fair? You cannot say I am an unreasonable person. :hihi::hihi:

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Our emergency services use their sirens which is bad as well when it's right under the window...trouble is, with it being traffic lights ahead, the people sitting in their cars listening to their music, can't hear the sirens cos of their music being so loud.

By the way, I always thought that you had to have a public licence to broadcast music to the public....:huh:

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But I could say you were a moron. And you have kids! God only knows what sort of people they're going to grow up to be ... antisocial AND deaf, probably, at least :hihi:


I love it when you get personal. You know nothing about me or my family. I could say you are a moaning whinging old biddy with nothing better to do than go on and on and on about the slightest thing. And you are a human! I so hope you do not have children. :suspect:

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Our emergency services use their sirens which is bad as well when it's right under the window...trouble is, with it being traffic lights ahead, the people sitting in their cars listening to their music, can't hear the sirens cos of their music being so loud.

By the way, I always thought that you had to have a public licence to broadcast music to the public....:huh:


Hands up all those deaf heads who cannot hear emergency services because of their stereos being on too loud. I believe - though I could be wrong - that you can get into hot water using the excuse that you did not hear because your stereo was too loud.


Ah well - join the ranks of the moaning minnies.

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Tell you what then - I will do as ambulances etc and if there is no traffic jam I will turn my stereo down. How's that for fair? You cannot say I am an unreasonable person. :hihi::hihi:


You seem to have missed the point a bit ... I said emergency services don't use their sirens when not necessary. Yes they use them to get through traffic but show respect to pedestrians and home owners when the sirens aren't required.

I used to own a Harley which I fitted with stage 1 exhausts. They were so noisy at higher revs they could easily set off car alarms as I rode past but I chose not to and always went through urban areas in tickover and high gear causing no discernible noise whatsoever. On motorways the noise was brill though !:)

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You seem to have missed the point a bit ... I said emergency services don't use their sirens when not necessary. Yes they use them to get through traffic but show respect to pedestrians and home owners when the sirens aren't required.

I used to own a Harley which I fitted with stage 1 exhausts. They were so noisy at higher revs they could easily set off car alarms as I rode past but I chose not to and always went through urban areas in tickover and high gear causing no discernible noise whatsoever. On motorways the noise was brill though !:)


I don't use my car horn when not necessary.


Let's have a run down on this anti-driver rubbish so far -


1. Thou shall not play loud music in thy car.

2. Thou shall not smoke in thy car.

3. Thou shall not (a) drive above the speed limit (b) drive below the speed limit.

4. Thou shall not complain about the state of the roads.

5. Thou shall not complain about the green tax rubbish.


Any more?


Aside from you look like a pillock if you modify your car in any way, shape or form.

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