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New Bar at Old Wards Brewery on Ecclesall Rd


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I have just seen the planning permission for this from the owners of Takapuna's on West St. Does anyone have anymore info on this or what sort of Bar it is going to be like. It has an application in for a late license.

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I was begining to think that it would never get filled!! its a nice place although with no parking and being away from both west street and town i think it will find it hard to get customers. I think they should make a classy bar- not the usual "£1 a pint all night" bars that eccie road has, althoughwith it being takapuna i don't think they will.


I feel sorry for the people in the flats directly above though!!!!

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Course it has potential , its on the bottom of Eccie road - Ie where most/alot of the studfents are! They'll crawl there way down and end up in there if they dont fancy going clubbing , i know i would if it had a late lience

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Originally posted by scottf


I feel sorry for the people in the flats directly above though!!!! [/b]


I moved out of there almost 2 weeks ago, I don't think the bar will make much difference with regards to noise. I used to live in the brew house end on the ground floor and on many occasions, during the week i would be woken at 4am by noisy people outside my bedroom window in the communal gardens.


This would go on for hours, shouting, screaming and music sometimes from around 2am to 6am during the week. I wasn't bothered at the weekend, but during the week was taking the ****! When i spoke to the mangement company they stated that it was people who were renting and it was up to the landlord to sort out noise issues and there was nothing they could do!


But i know when I was showing people around my flat they had looked at one directly above the bar and they said that they were put off by having a bar directly below them!

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The place is so big I fail to see how we are going to get anything but another superbar like Crystal, Matrix or Takapuna.


And all this while the Classic Rock bar has closed down! Wasn't my cup of tea but Sheffield seems to be losing warm places like this. Isn't yorkshire grey closing too?

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Originally posted by Agent ****

The place is so big I fail to see how we are going to get anything but another superbar like Crystal, Matrix or Takapuna.


And all this while the Classic Rock bar has closed down! Wasn't my cup of tea but Sheffield seems to be losing warm places like this. Isn't yorkshire grey closing too?


haahaa- i love your term 'superbar'!!!


But sheffield needs more of these!!! If you have been out in nottingham you can see that sheff is years behind there on the bar front!!!

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I spotted a lot of people looking through the windows a few weeks ago, but never saw anyone wandering around inside the bar area.


Its a very long room. So many people suggested we should take it on to run a new rock bar in, but we didn't want to disturb the flats above plus having all that glass on one side will make the acoustics sound terrible.


I wouldn't want to pay the heating bills for it either - so much escaping through the windows and above! Those living above will feel warmer!

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